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  1. stig

    Bird Watching!

    Meet me in a dark alley once and find out. We are all born with a brain that is a virtual combat computer. Most people never do anything to maintain that part, but some few paranoics among us, living in countries where you can't take your AR-15 along when you go shopping, do. With enough...
  2. stig

    Bird Watching!

    Some of us have been working on that for a long time, Jim. Bourgeois or not.
  3. stig

    Bird Watching!

    First time I've been called that, too.
  4. stig

    Bird Watching!

    For once we agree about something.
  5. stig

    Bird Watching!

    Once you master that, there is knife hunting, and after that, "beating them to death with a rock" hunting. Always something new to strive for.
  6. stig

    Bird Watching!

    Justin, even though I'm a birder, I'm completely cool with your "shoot the pesky ones " way. I routinely annihilate any cat that enters the property, so who am I to point the finger at you.
  7. stig

    Bird Watching!

    I love those phalaropes, too. The way they paddle around in little circles. I was just fitted with bifocal glasses last week ( Growing old sure is fun!) but even with those on, I can't tell those cranes from the specks of dirt on the windshield.
  8. stig

    Bird Watching!

    Despite the warm winter, so far nothing has come back here. I keep looking for Lapwings, Shelducks and those other early heralds of spring. So far no luck.
  9. stig

    Bird Watching!

    Jay, that one looks like a cousin of the European green woodpecker. I have not seen the Red-cockaded, the Nuttal's, the Black backed 3 toed woodpeckers, apart from that I've seen all the American ones. I looked in the wrong book of notes, turns out I saw a female downy in Orick, CA 18/1/1982...
  10. stig

    Bird Watching!

    Nice. That is one Americam woodpecker that I for some reason never have seen.
  11. stig

    Bird Watching!

    Man, Butch, those are wonderful! I'll be having a fun times trying to name all those birdies:)
  12. stig

    Bird Watching!

    But excellent photography!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. stig

    Bird Watching!

    European Robins are extremely agressive and territorial. I've never seen one kick the crap out of a Blue tit like that, though. When we log in winter, they follow us around, looking for insects and stuff on the trees we fell. My old mentor always used to say that it was the old loggers, that...
  14. stig

    Bird Watching!

    That sparrow is really something. I once saw an albino cowbird in a flock of a couple of thousand normal cowbirds. Really neat with that one white spot in a huge brown mass of birds.
  15. stig

    Bird Watching!

    Lapmejse in Danish.
  16. stig

    Bird Watching!

    Steve, I just went and looked it up. Turns out we are both right, since Grey headed Chickadee was the name formerly used for Siberian tit in the US. Kind of like "The tit formerly known as........."
  17. stig

    Bird Watching!

    Why didn't you just ask me? Didn't you know I was a birdwatcher from that part of the world. It is a Siberian Tit. Parus cinctus
  18. stig

    Bird Watching!

    Got you beat there. I've never been to one.
  19. stig

    Bird Watching!

    Amazing picture!
  20. stig

    Bird Watching!

    Yup. That would be: eg, birk and ask in Danish.