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  1. stig

    Bird Watching!

    Been protected since the 50es. We 'bout lost all our swans during the hard winters of WW2. We were at one time down to very few pairs of Mute swans. Now they are all over.
  2. stig

    Bird Watching!

    I heard a weird noise when I got outside to bring some firewood in. Turned out about 100 Whooper swans had touched down on the neighbour's field for a bit of foraging, and were whooping away..
  3. stig

    Bird Watching!

    Also called Sea Eagle or White tailed Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla
  4. stig

    Bird Watching!

    I've got a wing feather from a grey eagle on the wall behind me as I type. One of my old apprentices found it and gave it to me.:)
  5. stig

    Bird Watching!

    Do you set out feeders, or do you simply have enough plowers to pull them in? I have an old friend/lover in Mckinleyville CA. who owns an old forest nursery that she and her husband has turned into a private botanical garden ( They run a gardening/landscaping service and she is a hortoculturist...
  6. stig

    Bird Watching!

    Nope, those females are impossible to tell apart. Margot is just going to love watching those. Last time here we had no luck with the hummers. I really wanted her to see some, since the only thing near to them we have here is the Palestine sunbird, that both of us know from Israel. On the way...
  7. stig

    Bird Watching!

    Do you have any males hanging around? I worked on a hummingbird project in California back in 82. Among all the rather bland looking females, we had one Rufous male, which had, for reasons unknown, decided to stick around.. Made for a perfect study specimen, since he was so easy to recognize.
  8. stig

    Bird Watching!

    Plenty of inland type gulls, in Europe, too.
  9. stig

    Bird Watching!

    I had a t-shirt once with a picture of a Redwood on it. Text said: "Humboldt Redwoods, anything else is just a weed."
  10. stig

    Bird Watching!

    Winged rats being what...........Pigeons?
  11. stig

    Bird Watching!

    Oh, no! The poor little Killdeer is hurt.
  12. stig

    Bird Watching!

    That one is a bit out of it's normal range for sure. I would think it would be more normal to see the western form, formerly known as Bullock's Oriole up your way. Such a pretty bird to have in your tree.
  13. stig

    Bird Watching!

    I was commenting on the " Quote the raven" thing.
  14. stig

    Bird Watching!

    Looks more like a crow to me.
  15. stig

    Bird Watching!

    Rough legged hawk Buteo lagopus was the first one I thought of, but marsh hawk Circus cyaneus would fit the description as well. Those are the only two I can think of, that are found up your way. Both are transglobal species BTW, we have them here as well.
  16. stig

    Bird Watching!

    Nice. I remember those from Idaho.
  17. stig

    Bird Watching!

    Been working near our biggest lake today. About 4 gazillion geese and a hand full of eagles. Eagles above always brightens the day for me.
  18. stig

    Bird Watching!

    Nope, I didn't. I probably hung out at too high elevation for them. Scientists call them Perdix perdix which is actually an onomatopoeia. It is the written version of their call. Sorry, just couldn't pass that opportunity up:) Got two groups of them on my land, and since they are in SERIOUSLY...
  19. stig

    Bird Watching!

    What is a hun? Except for a warlike German, of course.
  20. stig

    Bird Watching!

    Nothing whatsoever. You asked a question, and I figured my answer was going off in a direction you didn't anticipate, so the dark alley thing was tounge in cheek.