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  • Users: No_Bivy
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  1. No_Bivy

    Anyone ride a single speed MTB?

    I think I'm bout to get my arse whipped on my new single speed bike:O.......anyone else ride one?
  2. No_Bivy

    Surf Fishing

    ...going to the beach with the fam in Oct(NC coast)...will there be any good fishing?
  3. No_Bivy


    Climbed 80' up a poplar on a single line....all was well till I turned around and saw a basketball size hornets nest.........:Omust NOT move:\:...... sneaked past em',:/ above em and went to work. They really didn't seem to mind......even when I nailed the nest with a chunk of...
  4. No_Bivy


    How does this look...I got some grief last time I had to jack the shat out of a set up
  5. No_Bivy


    crane balls that is....I use a 70 ton tidano a good bit. It uses the 4 part to lift counterweights, then usually I just two part and go. this time I tried the single line...pain in the ass to get it since it is stowed in the floor of the crane in front of the cab. But dang, the critical stuff...
  6. No_Bivy


    Got shut down by the city planning dept, during a removal this am. They asked for our tree removal permit. The Montford historic distric has rules concerning tree removal. Homeowner says they are outside the line. Dude pulls out the map and isn't sure if we are in the area......:X Anywho, the...
  7. No_Bivy

    Heat Wave

    in the nineties here already.......seems a bit early to "sweat like a whore in church"......dang.
  8. No_Bivy

    BOOM!...well almost

    As you all know, I have wanted to "blow" a tree up. This tree is broken off 40' up and laying in another. No crane, no bucket access. In fact you would have to crawl through rhododenron to cut it. It's near cabins at a summer camp, so it has to be dealt with. I was thinking blast out the base...
  9. No_Bivy

    17 year locust

    otherwise know as the Cicada, they are coming out in droves here......anyone else having the big hatch? Sounds like a turbo charger when the sun warms them up...
  10. No_Bivy

    GRCS: New vs. Old

    Now that I have is numbered 109..the other 577. The heads very different. The old has an anodized, is "stainless"? The knurling on the winch head is better for rope slippage and the bigger head seems to accept more wraps. My question is.. the gearing. Are they very...
  11. No_Bivy

    rattlewedge Anyone put thier hands on one yet? Looks handy, but is it worth the two bills?:/: The vids suck.......STUBS!!!!!:O
  12. No_Bivy

    Exploding Tree?

    I have looked at this tree three times now, no way to safely remove it. No crane, No bucket, No climbing.......Hickory, that has been bent over into other trees, cracked on three sides, over a primary line. Power company said "hell no"........they have surfed the book, most folks wig when they...
  13. No_Bivy

    once you have kids.....

    :D <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425"...
  14. No_Bivy

    You cant fix STUPID

    Happenned just a few miles from here. ....I think he did die a few days later.
  15. No_Bivy

    046...Chain Brake

    My 046, with a 36" bar skeered the shat outta me today. Chain brake ain't workin. I can hear it engage ...but nothing. How do I repair this.....sorry,... I know I'm a saw-tard......:D
  16. No_Bivy

    Diesel Tree?

    for real?
  17. No_Bivy

    Staying Tied In

    Interesting job on this one.....In the past two weeks, there have been several times where I have chosen to stay on the crane while under load. This White OAk fell over, lodged against a Poplar and landed on some phone transmission lines. We set up the 4 part block on a 50 ton crane. I tied in...
  18. No_Bivy

    Crane collapse

    NYC construction crane fell and killed four........:\:
  19. No_Bivy the market?

    One of the local dealers says they will be gone in the next year or so....I call BS. Anyone have the inside story? I know regs are making manuf. clean up emmissions, but I cant see stihl replacing this model.:/:
  20. No_Bivy


    Since this past year was pretty stellar for me, I decided to donate some treework....I know it's crazy. Anyway this is the WNC Nature Center. A city run park/zoo that houses mostly native animals(rehabed or confiscated). Great place to take the kids.....deperatly needs tree work. The city does a...