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  1. squisher

    milling thread

    That looks cool. I dislike however how he'll charge me as a fellow Canadian $40 more than you guys down south when last I heard our dollar was slightly higher? I'm gonna assume he hasn't updated his prices orrrrrr something. Anyone here try one of these?
  2. squisher

    milling thread

    Great info. I've got a spare 66 that I was thinking of setting up just a single powerhead on, only to work a bit here and there for the odd nicer log. I've got boatloads of wood going on. Lol.
  3. squisher

    milling thread

    Such as?.........
  4. squisher

    milling thread

    Cool trip. I've been over that pass many times, on bikes a few times too.
  5. squisher

    milling thread

    Yah they are cool machines, that mill site had a beehive burner as well as three in Lumby when I was a kid. Those were cool to drive by at night. The ones in Lumby I could see from my house. So on your tour through here you took hwy#6 across to Nakusp? Wicked road to cruise over!
  6. squisher

    milling thread

    I'm seriously thinking about an Alaskan mill here. I understand from researching that they are tough work, but they seem to be the most economical way to do the odd bit of milling here and there. I don't get overwhelmed with wood I'd like to mill but there is the odd log that I'd like to be...
  7. squisher

    milling thread

    Heh that's Tolko(formerly Riverside) veneer plant on the way to Lumby right? That's like five minutes from my house. That mill is a former shadow of it's previous self it used to be quite a bit larger. Those fields in the back there are the neighbouring farm to the dairy I worked at all...
  8. squisher

    milling thread

    Oh there's plenty of sawmills from huge to tiny. I'd rather do my own though and sell even rough cut lumber instead of selling the logs. The Tolko mill less than 1km away from me does over 350million board feet of lumber a year. Hundreds of loads of logging trucks a day feed it. I'm...
  9. squisher

    milling thread

    Russian olive really? How'd that mill out?
  10. squisher

    milling thread

    Cool. I gotta finger out some way of milling.
  11. squisher

    milling thread

    Cool thread. Going through my stacks of wood today had me dreaming of milling.
  12. squisher

    milling thread

    Check around for customer millers/woodworkers in your area. I sold a black walnut tree once, one tree for 3g. I had a thread on it a couple of years ago, it was a nice log and limbs. I sold it to a guy who was having it custom milled and making grandfather clocks out of it, that's a value...
  13. squisher

    milling thread

  14. squisher

    milling thread

    I get real good prices for sure. 3 bills for 4 maple shorts as straight up logs. And the guy wants basically any wood I can get in lengths. I don't think I'll be milling anything myself in the forseeable future.
  15. squisher

    milling thread

    My log buyer is a real good score for me. I also sold him a couple maple logs when he picked up the rest of the black walnut. No big money like the walnut but it sure as hell made it worthwhile bringing them home.;)
  16. squisher

    milling thread

    Yah, like money!!!:D