Search results for query: *

  1. MasterBlaster

    Tennis Elbow

    And because he's a beekeeper he'll automatically know how to administer it?
  2. MasterBlaster

    Tennis Elbow

    So how do I get a proper bee sting?
  3. MasterBlaster

    Tennis Elbow

    Soak it?
  4. MasterBlaster

    Tennis Elbow

    I can dig it. He's a cool dude.
  5. MasterBlaster

    Tennis Elbow

    Then do go on, mate. :drink:
  6. MasterBlaster

    Tennis Elbow

  7. MasterBlaster

    Tennis Elbow

    Are you shitting me?
  8. MasterBlaster

    Tennis Elbow

    Jay, it has nothing to do with tennis.
  9. MasterBlaster

    Tennis Elbow

    That's what Google says. So who wants to pay my bills?
  10. MasterBlaster

    Tennis Elbow

    Yes, very helpful.
  11. MasterBlaster

    Tennis Elbow

    Lordy, I think I've contracted it. It makes cutting and tossing a royal PITArm. Any helpful suggestions? :(