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  1. treesmith

    How'd it go today?

    Haha! I meant it’d keep them away from Jim’s farm more specifically. Gotta think, if the fools would eat some bacon or ham or a pork chop...they might not consider suicide bombing such a good idea!
  2. treesmith

    How'd it go today?

    It’ll help keep the mooselimbs away!
  3. treesmith

    Would you sell a 200t?

    I’ve run Carl’s 201T and I know another tree guy who’s had a couple. No issues that I’m aware of. But the negative feedback when they first came out was the reason I bought up a bunch. I had ten at one time. Four were brand new, the rest bought used/like new/lightly used.
  4. treesmith

    How'd it go today?

    Lit my burn pile at several points. It’s trying to burn. Climbed a water oak by my shop that I’ve decided to take down. Cut two main limbs off and part of a third. I’m terribly slow but it felt good to be up a tree again. Hopefully I’ll be back in decent climbing shape in a couple of weeks.
  5. treesmith

    How'd it go today?

    Thanks for pointing that out, Brian! I have been careful the last seven weeks as to the food kind of way. Only put on two pounds!
  6. treesmith

    How'd it go today?

    Climbed back on the tractor today and bush hogged for over an hour. Then fired up the MS250 and cut a bit of firewood being very careful with the right arm. I’m sore but in a good kind of way!
  7. treesmith

    Regarding Covid

    The simple fact that it is being pushed so vehemently is all the proof I need that it’s not what they claim it is.
  8. treesmith

    Would you sell a 200t?

    Just how much would a brand new 200T be worth? (Asking for a friend...)
  9. treesmith

    How'd it go today?

    Why would anyone lose their Cheerios over someone shooting a bird?😳 I shoot crows. I don’t eat them, but they eat crops, and have this horrible habit of lighting in trees in/around the yard and showing off their vocal abilities...or lack thereof...
  10. treesmith

    How'd it go today?

    Watched a YouTube vid a while back of a farmer killing magpies and the snowflakes were having a fit in the comments.
  11. treesmith

    In The News...

    Maybe it’s more about folks who can’t control their deranged kids...
  12. treesmith

    How'd it go today?

    Bush hogging. Went under a bowed-over water oak, expecting it to sweep over the ROPS. Didn’t realize the tips were going to be under the tractor tire on the far side. It essentially rode the tree right down across me.
  13. treesmith

    How'd it go today?

    First day back at work in seven weeks! Ground a handful of stumps. Would have been done in 2.5 hours...but the Carlton decided to lay down and take a nap. Grinding on sidling ground. I was being careful to keep the cutter head uphill while moving...until the time I forgot. Ran a line to the...
  14. treesmith

    In The News...

    It’s obvious that folks who have kids (especially those with daughters), would likely feel a bit stronger about the issue than those who don’t even have children.
  15. treesmith

    In The News...

    I’m not sure who supports what anymore. A guy dressed in drag assaulted a girl in the girl’s bathroom. And when her father brought it up at the meeting he was arrested. The whole thing stinks, IMO.
  16. treesmith

    In The News...

    Does anyone but me find the recent school board attitude to be offensive at best...more like infuriating? You’d think someone appointed them emperor or something. I saw some clips of a meeting several weeks ago where parent after parent had a turn to speak, and before they got started good, the...
  17. treesmith

    In The News...

    I guess it was “born that way”? If it attacks the right person, it’ll certainly die that way.
  18. treesmith

    How'd it go today?

    I used one several times from the bucket with the bucket fully extended and the pole saw fully extended as well. About as fun as swallowing pines cones with buttermilk.
  19. treesmith

    How'd it go today?

    Mercy, Kyle! As ingenious as you are and you ask that? 😝
  20. treesmith

    How'd it go today?

    More therapy today. Sissy push-ups and pull-ups. Stretching. More stretching. I can finally raise my right arm above my head.