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  1. Tommy_B

    The Biking Thread

    Weekend away in France so rode to the coast. Would recommend
  2. Tommy_B

    The Biking Thread

    Exactly that. Instant, precise shifting and it makes a cool little "derzzzz" noise every time I change gear which makes me happy
  3. Tommy_B

    The Biking Thread

    Full carbon fibre frame and wheels. Bluetooth groupset. She's quick
  4. Tommy_B

    The Biking Thread

    Bought this recently. Decent bit of kit
  5. Tommy_B

    The Official Happy Birthday thread!!!

    Thanks all!
  6. Tommy_B

    The Official Happy Birthday thread!!!

    Thank you!
  7. Tommy_B

    In The News...

    Agreed. Sad times. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it
  8. Tommy_B

    The Biking Thread

    Went for a little blast on the MTB this evening after work. Going well until I fell off and slid down a hill in the mud 😄😄 Definitely more fun staying upright!!
  9. Tommy_B


    Sad times. Even though I'd not met him I really liked him and thought he was always well balanced and came over well. Like others have said, it's a great thing he could get all his affairs in order and I'm happy he got the chance to play one last gig
  10. Tommy_B

    This Method for Tying the Alpine Butterfly Has Changed My Life for the Better! Try It Out if You Haven't Already!

    I watched someone tie it in a video and it blew my mind, couldn't work out how they were doing it😄 Spend a good hour trying to figure it out! The most important part is to put one hand upside down before you pinch the rope and bring the bottom up(if that makes sense!)
  11. Tommy_B

    This Method for Tying the Alpine Butterfly Has Changed My Life for the Better! Try It Out if You Haven't Already!

    I used a circus bowline for splicing. Makes the undoing part much easier
  12. Tommy_B

    How's the splice today?

    You were right Carl, it was a SpLife with funky stitching (Which is handy as I can just re-apply the sticker now😄)
  13. Tommy_B

    How's the splice today?

    I'll have a proper look. I glanced at the label as I unstuck it and I'm sure it said Slaice. I turned the rope around and spliced the other end so can still have a look and see.
  14. Tommy_B

    How's the splice today?

    Yeah, 100% a Slaice. You're right, the stitching does look a bit haphazard!
  15. Tommy_B

    How's the splice today?

    Manufacturer did that one, can't take any credit for that I'm afraid!
  16. Tommy_B

    How's the splice today?

    Used Tachyon Ash. A story in 3 parts
  17. Tommy_B

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    You have lovely fingernails Andrey
  18. Tommy_B

    How's the splice today?

    Thanks Burnham. Appreciate it!!