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  1. Maximalist

    What Are You Drinking Tonight?

    Yes, it's grilled salmon. In Russia, it is customary to serve fish with beer. This is not a fish showcase, but an ordinary beer bar in St. Petersburg. It would be interesting to know which beer snacks are traditional in your region?
  2. Maximalist

    What Are You Drinking Tonight?

    Today was a pretty busy day. There was a lot of urgent work. The temperature was about 30 °C. This is a very high temperature for St. Petersburg. I was on my way home, and suddenly I wanted to have a beer. Here is my choice - black beer of local production, and for an appetizer kebab from keta -
  3. Maximalist

    What Are You Drinking Tonight?

    There are only two types of cheese - Camembert and Cambozola - Камамбер — Википедия -, Камбоцола — Википедия -
  4. Maximalist

    What Are You Drinking Tonight?

    It's amazing that the wall lamp caused so many emotions)
  5. Maximalist

    What Are You Drinking Tonight?

    Today, after dinner, I decided to have a dark beer. From the point of view of recreation, we Russians have quite original beer snacks - cheese and salted fish. For me personally, everything is completely original - Camembert cheese and Cambozola cheese, as well as some trout with weak salt...
  6. Maximalist

    What Are You Drinking Tonight?

    I have a doctor friend, and he recommends once a week on Fridays to relieve stress and improve well-being to consume 300, preferably 350 grams of cognac. If we compare it with this scale (the penultimate mark from the bottom), then it is quite dangerous. ) However, this scale is not suitable for...
  7. Maximalist

    What Are You Drinking Tonight?

    Today I'm drinking tea with honey and homemade pretzels -
  8. Maximalist

    What Are You Drinking Tonight?

    I sympathize with you and I don't envy you at all)
  9. Maximalist

    What Are You Drinking Tonight?

    I was watching the World Cup right now. Brazil-Switzerland 1-0. Good football, good beer.
  10. Maximalist

    What Are You Drinking Tonight?

    Salaka is a rather oily fish, and therefore, when heat-treated, it acquires a characteristic golden hue- In Russia, Salaka in the form of canned food is very popular. These canned foods are called sprats -
  11. Maximalist

    What Are You Drinking Tonight?

    Salaka (Baltic herring) is a subspecies of Atlantic herring that lives in the waters of the Baltic Sea (Kaliningrad and the Curonian Lagoon). The length of an adult reaches 20 cm, and the mass does not exceed 50 g. It is a small fish with a rounded belly, well-developed coulter teeth, an...
  12. Maximalist

    What Are You Drinking Tonight?

    Today I decided to read a small brochure called Paulaner Salvator. This is a strong dark Bavarian beer with an alcohol content of 7.9% - I ate traditional Russian snacks for this beer - hot boiled shrimp, low-fat hot smoked fish and a little salad with herring - P.S. I really hope...
  13. Maximalist

    What Are You Drinking Tonight?

    Three eyes in a cat is quite normal compared to what I found today in the supermarket)
  14. Maximalist

    What Are You Drinking Tonight?

    Why does a cat need three eyes?)
  15. Maximalist

    What Are You Drinking Tonight?

    свр Маасдам - A representative of natural aged cheeses, named after the small town of Maasdam in the Netherlands. The cheese has large eyes...
  16. Maximalist

    What Are You Drinking Tonight?

    Today I decided to read a rather interesting book called ,,Akhtamar,,. This book has been written for 10 years. Almost two and a half thousand years ago, Hippocrates said: ...A person is what he eats..... After reading a few pages of this book, I came to the conclusion that a person is not only...
  17. Maximalist

    What Are You Drinking Tonight?

    As far as I understand, you don't like to read novels. Do you prefer a light genre in the form of short stories...)
  18. Maximalist

    What Are You Drinking Tonight?

    The evening ended with a cup of coffee and a cake with fresh strawberries and blueberries -
  19. Maximalist

    What Are You Drinking Tonight?

    Если это действительно сбудется. затем, к своему удивлению, вы поймете, что первый том (500 страниц) на самом деле не является концом книги) Вся интрига начинается только после этого!)