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  1. flushcut

    What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

    Tornado watch, again.
  2. flushcut

    Tree felling vids

    Too many cheat days. And a food supply that is full of chemical shit that is banned in many other countries.
  3. flushcut

    Tree felling vids

    Stig does not approve of this message.
  4. flushcut

    Eastern White Pine - Turning Brown

    Hemlocks are cool if you are thinking replacing.
  5. flushcut

    What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

    Upped 80’s humid sunny. Not really enjoyable.
  6. flushcut

    Cleaning a chipper radiator

    I use a pressure washer but not a high power one under 1000 psi, compressed air, and leaf blower.
  7. flushcut

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    I don’t know if I have posted this before, but it’s a good one.
  8. flushcut

    Father’s Day Splicing

    Try a rubber mallet and a quick snap/sharp tug/pull on the eye. That might help even things out.
  9. flushcut

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    Too bad it’s only rated at 2000 pounds capacity. Lol
  10. flushcut

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

  11. flushcut

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    So this might not be a joke but I found it funny. We were coming back from my nieces high school graduation party today and stopped at a gas station. I look over and see a car overheating and steam coming from the front of the car. The guy pops the hood and and pulls out a jug of coolant. Now...
  12. flushcut

    The Official Happy Birthday thread!!!

    Happy B-Day!
  13. flushcut

    How busy are you this year compared to other years?

    There is work but the phone is slow real slow.
  14. flushcut

    The dreaded stripped threads, Husky 572

    I’d drill and tap one size larger. Or find a self tapping screw/ bolt.
  15. flushcut

    How'd it go today?

    Good to read you are in the clear and sounds like karmic forces are in your favor.
  16. flushcut

    GRCS , tips and technique for greatness

    The best cuts are the one that leave the cut with an ever so slight jump and hang there motionless. That seems to wow the spectators.
  17. flushcut

    The Axman

    You’re such a gobsmacker.
  18. flushcut

    How'd it go today?

    Well goddamn! Sounds like a victory!
  19. flushcut

    In Praise of 3-Strand

    I’m sorry but you really should keep that kind of talk to a minimum in this thread. :lol: 3 strand only.
  20. flushcut

    The Axman

    Gobknocker, Do you even knock gob bro? OMG! This will become part of my daily vocabulary.