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  1. SouthSoundTree-


    You're not going to get a job as a climber. You have to build up to that. Video tape yourself in the mirror and review. practice, practice, practice before calling. Calm your nerve. Put signs on the mirror and stand in front of it while calling. Put a sign on the mirror, "breath". have...
  2. SouthSoundTree-


    MrPopper, what is your introduction when you call? How do you sell yourself?
  3. SouthSoundTree-


    Could be. I like having someone medically trained onsite for more involved tree work. A good back-up. I also figure that after seeing mained people from car wrecks and accidents, they would realize why its important to work safely and go home with all ten fingers and toes. I know that seeing a...
  4. SouthSoundTree-


    My friend is a school bus driver. She said they do drills for getting out of the bus if a line falls on it. The tires insulate. The tires conduct. Like everything, it is a matter of degrees. They have some amount of time before the tires can catch fire. Best thing you might do to get a job, is...
  5. SouthSoundTree-


    Walk in and ask if you can show them that you can tie a bowline, running bowline, clove hitch, girth hitch, and sheet bend, behind your back. ...Buy it, read it, read it, read it, practice it, practice it.
  6. SouthSoundTree-


    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  7. SouthSoundTree-


    You shouldn't have to do anything to the trees along the primary electrical lines. That is the electrical company's deal. You are likely responsible for arranging to have your service line maintained clear of branches, as would your neighbor.
  8. SouthSoundTree-


  9. SouthSoundTree-


    ...for a TIP, I adjusted my TIP. So when you're on your way to your TIP, and don't have a climbing system in place, what will you do when the S*&t hits the fan, like a bee hive? Install a life support system while panicking? You can't spur down is you're using Alternating Lanyard Technique...
  10. SouthSoundTree-


    Tie-in, Climb line or lanyard. 30' Make a big difference if you have a 35' tree or an 80', or 120' tree.
  11. SouthSoundTree-


    If you're goal is to set a TIP, set a TIP as easily as possible. Does it make more sense to elevate 200#, 80', or 20 ounces of weight and line?
  12. SouthSoundTree-


    Tie-in, Climb line or lanyard.
  13. SouthSoundTree-


    In going to totally disagree with you Jed about the value of throw weights and lines. I saw a customer recently. Removed a small dead Madrone next to a green house, from the ground partially with a power pole saw because I could set rigging points and set running bowlines on pieces from the...
  14. SouthSoundTree-


    I do a fair bit of Put on Ground Only removals. I only need my loaded pick-up to do most of my work, barring disposal. Barring obstacles below, a pro climber can put a 70', healthy, green pine down toot-sweet. Watch a good pro. You will learn more than you can imagine.
  15. SouthSoundTree-


    NOBODY is going to make it safe for you to work. Its not safe work. A 'line drop' occurs somewhere between 8-10a, typically, here. I need to be on the phone by 230 to have the 'reconnect' routed through Dispatch. Sometimes they arrive in 10 minutes, sometimes 6 hours. Last one was reconnected...
  16. SouthSoundTree-


    Pruning? Chafe sleeve installed by the power company?
  17. SouthSoundTree-


    Yow! You coulda been popped. Electrical lines rubbing against a trunk can definitely wear through the coating, setting up for a shock, or worse. The 'service drops' to the residences are disconnected for tree work for free, generally, I believe. Here for sure, for single family homes...
  18. SouthSoundTree-


    You don't need spurs to climb trees. Go climb some of the ones you want to keep.:)
  19. SouthSoundTree-


    Pictures speak a 1000 words. Welcome, MrPopper. I'm Sean. Reinventing the wheel is a lotta work. Gaining other's cumulative knowledge is priceless.
  20. SouthSoundTree-


    You work on their other jobs. You learn. You do your own work. I've been offered this too many time by want-to-be-apprentices. Not for me. You never know.