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  1. lxskllr

    Tree down in St Louis. Need help.

    I use olive oil on my leather. Seems to work as well as anything, and it's nothing extra to purchase.
  2. cory

    Tree down in St Louis. Need help.

    Looks nice! Are those typical tools you carry for pipefitting? Were it mine, I'd be hitting that dry looking leather with boot grease (Obenaufs ;) )
  3. Knotorious

    Old Timers - Was The Blakes Hitch Pretty Cool When Released?

    The first known presentation of the Blake's hitch was made by Heinz Prohaska in an Austrian guides periodical in 1981; in 1990, he presented it in a caving journal, Nylon Highway. Hence, back then it was called the "Prohaska hitch" which was shorted to "ProhGrip." Separately, Jason Blake...
  4. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    I don't know. My networking has always been very weak. Stuff's like voodoo. Most things JustWork™, so I haven't delved in to really figure it out.
  5. chris_girard

    Hey man, I know that we've been chatting for years here on The House and you told me your real...

    Hey man, I know that we've been chatting for years here on The House and you told me your real name a long time ago. Just wondering if this is Rob Thigpen?
  6. Knotorious

    What Are You Drinking Tonight?

    I think I just managed to mentally work out in my head how I feel about the seasons. My adoration for colder weather (Fall/Winter) stems mostly from how much better it is for me physiologically (70%), where I can do activities without sweating profusely. There also being a lot of nostalgia and...
  7. chris_girard

    Old Timers - Was The Blakes Hitch Pretty Cool When Released?

    That's pretty cool, do we know who or when those names came about?
  8. Knotorious

    Old Timers - Was The Blakes Hitch Pretty Cool When Released?

    The other original names for the Blake's hitch are the "ProhGrip" or "Prohaska hitch." The video shows how to tie the Arbsession hitch. However, the point @Brocky is making (I believe), and based off of making a quick examination of the tying methods for each hitch myself a few moments ago, the...
  9. pigwot

    How'd it go today?

    I thought it was mainly haulback that runs slow over bridge…
  10. Tree09

    Tree down in St Louis. Need help.

    With the suspenders off for clarity
  11. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    I made a post here about eating a bit of mushroom off my locust. I weirded out, and had a borderline out of body experience :^D It was just anxiety over eating a mushroom that didn't come from a store. I'm nearly 100% certain it was chicken of the woods, but it probably isn't a great idea to...
  12. Tree09

    How'd it go today?

    Send some pics of you can
  13. CurSedVoyce

    How'd it go today?

    Collect scrap (but nice scrap) all the time. Scored some 4" square the other day. Pretty stout. Not to mention that plate I scored off a deck removal. Holy moly. Heavy shat. Good stuff. Also, not seeing where a spnner will lock into the cylider on the end to spin it out. Might have a lock...
  14. Knotorious

    How'd it go today?

    I used to be a bit of a hobbyist mycologist, scouring the woods for various mushroom specimens, and photographing them with a macro lens setup and interesting lighting/backdrops/composite photography. Anyways, I'm 95% certain that the mushroom on the tree in those pictures is Laetiporus. It is...
  15. pigwot

    Old Timers - Was The Blakes Hitch Pretty Cool When Released?

    I started on Manila with a tautline hitch back in 1974-1975, and tightening it and rolling back the part of your tail as it crept was just part of your day. It wasn’t until about the mid 1980s that we got our first synthetic ropes, settling in 1987 on New England Safety Blue but still on a...
  16. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    That looks like like a really nice spot Andrey :^) Question for anyone... Does cutting off a mushroom negatively affect fungus in any way, aside from disrupting it's ability to spread through spores?
  17. Tree09

    How'd it go today?

    It looks like you can get a spanner wrench in the end of the cylinder, that's how you get welded ones opened. Def get a cheater lens, I'm only 41 and been using one for a couple years now, in tight spots I got to where i can't get my head far enough away to see it, it all just becomes a blur...
  18. Dave Shepard

    How'd it go today?

    I went to the PO this morning and told then my package was not delivered. They took my tracking number and came back in a couple minutes and said that, yes, it had been delivered to the wrong address, and that it would be retrieved and delivered today. It seems that a precise GPS tag is recorded...
  19. Knotorious

    The Official Happy Birthday thread!!!

    Happy birthday, @pete mctree!