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  1. CurSedVoyce

    How'd it go today?

    Happy Fathers Day.
  2. cory

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    You guys don't mess around!
  3. cory

    The Biking Thread

    Truing a wheel is high level afaik
  4. CurSedVoyce

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    Looks like a conversa.tion I'll have with one of my old trucks once in a while. But I do ask a hell of a lot more of them than a mower
  5. lxskllr

    The Biking Thread

    I can do a lot of bicycle work myself, but I have no idea how to align a wheel. Most of my bicycle "career" was spent on nylon mag wheels. Virtually bulletproof, and little maintenance.
  6. Kaveman

    The Biking Thread

    The thought of a bicycle mechanic getting a single reverse value penny out of me is viscerally offensive. There's not enough to a bicycle to warrant someone else being paid for messing with it.
  7. flushcut

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    Too bad it’s only rated at 2000 pounds capacity. Lol
  8. flushcut

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

  9. lxskllr

    The Biking Thread

    Of course! The 99 thing is just a sight gag intended to trick the innumerate into thinking something is cheaper than it is. Instead of a round number that can be paid with a single bill without change being made, you have to use most of the bills in circulation. You save a whole $1 which is all...
  10. Trains

    The Biking Thread

    I always carry a spare chain link joiner along with tube, repair kit, and pliers, a basic multitool, (has a chain breaker as part of it), is a must as well, easily fits inside those bags that hang under the saddle. I still shake my head at what some of the guys in the group here pay for a basic...
  11. Kaveman

    How'd it go today?

    Went and got the girls, first thing yesterday morning. The Ex wife has completely trashed the house and the yard. I'm not surprised by this, but I am disappointed. More distressing is that Kathryn keeps referring to her mom as "Mean Butthead". Also, the fact that according to KV, their mom...
  12. Treeaddict

    The Biking Thread

    Not understanding. Should it just be $100?
  13. Kaveman

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    Yall can Google "Medieval Murder Rabbits" apparently, they were a vicious race of enslavers, and we're all lucky they died out.
  14. Trains

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    Hmmm now they need to do this, but with a chainsaw. :) Love Bluey.
  15. Mick!

    Official Random Fact/Random Thought Thread!

    No, they’re not very nice for the modern palate apparently. Re. The article, I had read somewhere that they were an importance source of vitamin C in medieval Europe, before oranges and other stuff started appearing.
  16. lxskllr

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    I'd LOVE to hear his explanation of how that works. There's a video floating around of a trailered boat with 20L of fuel in it, and hazmat doing cleanup cause the guy 'filled the tank' by sticking the pump in an oarlock(or some random hole in the gunwale) :^D edit: I think it was 200L. The...
  17. lxskllr

    Official Random Fact/Random Thought Thread!

    Have you ever eaten one? Is it worth the effort to try growing a tree?
  18. lxskllr

    The Biking Thread

    What kind of price is $99?! You expect that kind of nonsense from MBAs that have their heads so far up their asses it would take the jaws of life to free them, but not a normal person working from their homes.
  19. davidwyby


    In the bonfire From a distance