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  1. CurSedVoyce

    What Did Ya'll Have For Dinner Tonight?

    Beef cow on a spit. I think it was mis labled. Looks more like flank than a roast..... oh well. Slice thin and enjoy
  2. lumberjack

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    I assume the main issue is the space/capacity for hauling them?
  3. Kaveman

    Best SNACKS Eaten by Tree House Members!

    Hahaha. Those are in just about every store in Arizona. Just about everywhere has at least a small "Mexican candy section" which is where I find various saladitos and of course chili coated suckers and various other yummy things like chili rokas. But I do try to avoid the sweets.
  4. Kaveman

    Official Random Fact/Random Thought Thread!

    Nature is kinda predictable, boys will be boys, and they'll kill eachother and themselves over girls.
  5. Kaveman

    Songs I Like

    This popped up on YouTube autoplay, and my daughter asked me, out of nowhere, "Dad are those MG-3s or MG-42s?" "The only real difference is the cartridge they're chambered for, and like three internal bits, let's check and see." After three viewings, I have concluded that they are MG-42s, the...
  6. Knotorious

    Songs I Like

    #5 song on the iTunes top 100 downloaded songs list, one spot below Eminem. I love this guy's political views and it's nice to see him giving the democrats a voice too, and not being a blind Republican...because he's an independent.
  7. lxskllr

    Best SNACKS Eaten by Tree House Members!

    Whoops! I got the name a little wrong. I've only bought them twice. I'd weigh a ton if I ate as many as I wanted :^D
  8. Knotorious

    Best SNACKS Eaten by Tree House Members!

    Oopsies. I thought you meant Marzipan! My badzies! Here're an image of some de la Rosa mazapan!
  9. lxskllr

    Best SNACKS Eaten by Tree House Members!

    Mazapan is a bit of a different thing. It's related, but it's Mexican, and made with peanuts. I've only had Del Rosa brand, so I don't know if it's typical, but they're very delicate. You have to carefully unwrap them, carefully hold them, and carefully takes bites, but they melt in your mouth...
  10. Knotorious

    Official Random Fact/Random Thought Thread!

    Male chevrotain use their long canine teeth, which protrude like fangs, to compete for mates and territory. These fights are usually brief and involve biting, charging, and high-pitched vocalizations. Chevrotain are small and lack horns or antlers, so their fangs are especially important for them.
  11. Knotorious

    Best SNACKS Eaten by Tree House Members!

    That Vacadillios sounds great and, I concur, Cheezits are amazing! Marzipan is sooooooooooooo good. I used to get some from Germany all of the time! Stollen (pictured below) is an excellent bread that often has marzipan swirled into it with almonds, nuts, raisins, orange peel, essence of rose...
  12. cory


    Damn bro, gas station food no good. But if you're getting alot of exercise it maybe doesn't matter that much
  13. cory

    The dreaded stripped threads, Husky 572

  14. cory

    The dreaded stripped threads, Husky 572

    So the saw sat for a week, I was afraid to try it and see if the fix worked. :lol: :wall::|:. I have a big job tomorrow where it will be used so I decided to examine the repair. I took off the starter and the material I'd placed in the hole didn't appear to be in there, I wonder if the screw...
  15. lxskllr

    Tiny houses

    Yea, I can see that. Everything's really clever with stowage, and it maximizes available space, but you have to do it. It doesn't take too many things out of place before you get a clusterfuck.
  16. Kaveman

    Tiny houses

    Did the tiny house thing for years. Let me say this with full emphasis PHUCK THAT NOISE! only the truly OCD can keep a tiny house decluttered and organized. It's not a normal people thing. Just my experience.
  17. Kaveman

    Official Random Fact/Random Thought Thread!

    Suck the life out of their local equivalent of clover? Maybe the males spar with them?
  18. lxskllr

    Official Random Fact/Random Thought Thread!

    I noticed that too! Made me wonder what they do with them.
  19. Kaveman

    Official Random Fact/Random Thought Thread!

    I found it interesting that they have fangs. Vampire deer
  20. lxskllr

    Best SNACKS Eaten by Tree House Members!

    I discovered Del Rosa mazapan this year. Those things are delicious, but way sweet. I won't buy them again til cold weather, but I'll get them again. I've had original Dots. They were really good.