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  • Hi PC
    I guess you missed my post on your HH thread. What is the cost of a Hitch Hiker plus postage to England?
    I'm keen to buy two.
    Oops, almost forgot... ya got any instructions or information on how to use the wraptor that you could send me?


    Bob Moore
    3681 3rd Concession North
    Amherstburg, ON
    N9V 2Y9

    (519) 736-0964 (home)
    Hey Paul, I had a chat with Bounce (Sean Tait) at WesSpur after you & talked on the phone earlier today. They've finily completed re-working my Mesh Bag for a production version so it should be on thire website by the end of August.

    Sean said he'll be calling you next week regarding the possability of using the Mesh Bag with your Ropetek Wraptor Package.

    I'll be talking with a few of the local tree care companies in my area and if I get enough interest, I'll be sure to take you up on your offer of borrowing one of your Wraptores for a demo day. Who knows, maybe I'll take the plunge & buy one from you. (any discounts on a used demo Wraptor???) Likely be in the fall by the time I get everyone together.

    All the best to you with the launch of you very cool product!

    perhaps you could call some day 4234004110

    This is something ive put alot of thought and research into its very very simple and its a viable product with no competition.
    It caters to a very large user group as well.
    Its low tech and cheap but it helps with ergonomics i think it will wash
    pete hey man , i have something im thinking about developing and id like to ask you some questions.
    My product is extremly simple and has nothing to do with tree work or ropes.
    I just dont know how to began production but im so confidant im willing to drop the $$$
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