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  1. Page

    White oak down

    Material is mostly staying on site. Small wood is getting split. Anything larger and decent I’ll put on the mill and bring back to my brother. There is a ton of junk wood though. I’m interested to see what it’s like on Monday when I start cutting into the main trunk. I’m hoping for at least one...
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    White oak down

    Another pic for scale. That’s my brother
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    White oak down

    Worked on it a bit today. Can’t believe I didn’t get a saw stuck making those tension cuts
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    White oak down

    I don’t know if there is anything that could’ve been done to help it short of a steel structure to stabilize and prop up, which would probably look pretty unsightly. It’s sad, but there’s not but to do now but cut it up. I’m hoping there is at least some piece of it I could take a slice from to...
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    White oak down

    Sad day. Last night my brother’s 400+ year old white oak snapped and blew over in a storm. It has been in decline for awhile. We have treated and fed it but clearly it’s been rotting on the inside for quite some time
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    Burn barrel

    I’m surprised how well it held up. I had a roaring fire in it last night. I put the thermostat on it and within about a second and a half the needle went flying past 700 degrees. Stuck a digging bar in the side vent and in about 15 minutes it was glowing red and soft.
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    Burn barrel

    I asked my buddy if he had an extra burn barrel. He makes me this thing. Burn barre/grill/smoker/sap cooker/forge
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    Gantry crane

    I couldn’t find my old post about this so here’s another. I had showed pics of a gantry I was hoping to pick up. Finally got around to it today. It’s in a temporary position until I get to wiring it up and then it will turn 90 degrees and centered over the mill. That way I can use it to turn...
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    Chair carving

    I think I’m gonna wax it. I had it covered the other day for a few hours and it already started to mold. If it cracks it cracks. I sort of expected it. If anyone try’s to carve with a stump grinder I would suggest using a very heavy log and burying it partially. Otherwise you’ll suck that log...
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    Chair carving

    Not sure what to do about preserving it. It’s a pretty fresh log and as such was hard to sand the end grain on the seat part. I got everything as smooth as I could for now but it may need more sanding next year. I may wax it.
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    Chair carving

    Giving it to my wife. Gonna put it by the fire pit.
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    Chair carving

    I made a chair the other day out of an oak log. I think when the crane put it in my truck it was about 2000 lbs or so. I probably shaved off 1000 lbs. I can barely lift it with the dingo. I did most of the carving with a stump grinder. A bit with a chainsaw and then some finish work with an...
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    Sawmill chatter

    I was milling some wood lately. Some ash, mostly white oak. Everything was running great. I got my first paid job for the mill so I put the clients log on. (Ash) and made 4 nice cuts and in the fifth cut the blade started to chatter a bit and sounded like it was catching on something. Then it...
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    Spider lifts?

    Platform lifts were the same way when they first came out. Mechanics would come over from somewhere in Europe. Now there are several company’s that service them.
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    Spider lifts?

    I use the 109’ platform pretty regularly. I’d like something taller but we get a lot done with it. I never liked the nifty but I only have experience with the 50’ 4x4.