Recent content by Maximalist

  1. Maximalist

    What Did Ya'll Have For Dinner Tonight?

    Baked chicken meat with cheese and spices, vegetables, mayonnaise. On the side - rice.
  2. Maximalist

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    There were many different Christmas trees today. I had a lot of fun! It is especially pleasant to work in heavy snowfall and rain!)
  3. Maximalist

    What Did Ya'll Have For Dinner Tonight?

    It's not a tortilla. This is a piece of Uzbek flatbread. These flatbread are baked in a special round oven.
  4. Maximalist

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    This plaque says that Peter the Great planted an oak tree at this place (around 1703). In 2003 (the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg), an oak tree was planted here again. I pruned this young oak a little.
  5. Maximalist

    The Official Random Video Thread!

  6. Maximalist

    What Did Ya'll Have For Dinner Tonight?

    Potatoes, beef, tomatoes, cucumbers, wheat tortilla.
  7. Maximalist

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

  8. Maximalist

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Today I cut down the extra branches on 15 trees, to make the architectural monument more visible.If you sawed off a branch incorrectly, this can lead to unfortunate consequences:(
  9. Maximalist

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

  10. Maximalist

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

  11. Maximalist

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Today I cut the branches on the lime trees. I got 10 lime trees in total. Some of them are - Everything is painted over with magic paint!)
  12. Maximalist

    How'd it go today?

    He's really sexy!)
  13. Maximalist

    How'd it go today?

    The Russian equivalent of Samson's rope. It remains only to conduct tests!) P.S. In Russia, there is a belief that anything covered with blue insulating tape is considered especially reliable!)
  14. Maximalist

    How'd it go today?

    Today I bought the Russian equivalent of Omni Block 2.0, judging by the date of manufacture, it was made in the 25th century!) It looks a little more compact, but at the same time, the side panel and some other details are more rigid. P.S. Any opinion other than Russophobia is interesting!)
  15. Maximalist

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread
