Recent content by Gypo

  1. Gypo

    The Humboldt is primarily for speed of production

    We call conventional faces "farmer faces."
  2. Gypo

    Hard head wedges.

    My opinion those thick green wedges won't drive for shit, they're too thick. Red heads drive good because they're thin, imo there's nothing better, at least for conifer. I don't generally wedge hardwood, we cut a hole for it and fall it where it leans, or where we can make it go without a...
  3. Gypo

    Rope hockling

    Gotcha. I always wrap the wraps the same direction too now that I'm thinking about it. Suppose I could do wraps and braids opposite direction. Thanks.
  4. Gypo

    Rope hockling

    Climbing firs and girdling for the BLM. Anywhere from 60 to 130 ft high. New hyperclimb rope that I've been using about a month. It's a 250' rope that I washed when new, it's milked about 5'. I've run michoacan, knut, and currently trying a VT. Rope hockes bad on decent if I don't get the...
  5. Gypo

    1950's Logging Safety Documentary

    Finley was a crack up. Never met him, but I read his stuff for years. Dad was actually in Loggers World, in an issue from the mid 70s. He was a young buck cutting timber with Kenny Parnell. Kenny was the bullbuck for Christian if I remember it right.
  6. Gypo

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    Found it. I been thinking about getting a lever Mick, just never got to it. I haven't tried the dowels either, for what it's worth.
  7. Gypo

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    Have you guys seen Fiori rolling blocks off a spar by putting dowels in the cut? Seems like a good idea. I probably spelled his name wrong.😁
  8. Gypo

    Tree felling vids

    Lack of exercise.
  9. Gypo

    What Non Essential Gear Do You Think Is Worth Owning?

    Winter bar oil is thinner so you can pour it. I don't know how you guys wear belts under your harness, suspenders all the way for me. Climbing with bigger saws I have another pair on the treemotion.
  10. Gypo

    Carrying An Axe

    How would you hang that on a tool hook, transporter etc? Upside down? On the ground I just run my axe handle through my wedge belt, behind my back mostly. Use axe scabbard on occasion, if in small timber that has a lot of trees that lean back, and nothing to push em with. Big axes and long...
  11. Gypo

    Carrying An Axe

    Just an update. Best way I've found. Copied off of Canadians. Eye lag bolt.
  12. Gypo

    The dreaded stripped threads, Husky 572

    Weed eater string in the hole might work.
  13. Gypo

    Check your chains after they have been derailed

    I break 2 or 3 a year, normally. I generally go through about 100'(a roll) in that same time. Never been injured by it, and don't worry about it. Had a small cut in a few pairs of pants I guess. Non issue for me.
  14. Gypo

    Tree felling vids

    To kill em. 😁 They've got some kinda wildlife enhancement thing they're doing.
  15. Gypo

    Tree felling vids

    Thanks Cory. We're cutting right a way right now, full manufacture, second growth, kinda boring to me to look at. We're also climbing and girdling tops for the blm. So nothing that's neat to watch, imo. Lotsa traversing with the grapple hook I guess.