Recent content by FireFighterZero

  1. FireFighterZero

    The Official Happy Birthday thread!!!

    I brought him and mom home Tuesday. It's a tough deal to throw in her lap.
  2. FireFighterZero

    The Official Happy Birthday thread!!!

    Thanks fellas. It was quite a birthday. My father had an 8.5 cm abdominal aneurysm rupture the evening of my birthday. He made it to the ER early next morning in an extreme amount of pain. They told us to tell him goodbye because there was very very little chance he would survive the mercy...
  3. FireFighterZero

    How'd it go today?

    Daughter won her weight class at Eastern Divisional class B/C wrestling tournament.
  4. FireFighterZero

    How'd it go today?

    I buy truck loads of logs. Then I grab some with the grapple on my tractor. I haul the log to my stump and cut it in the air while it's still in the grapple. Then I split it.
  5. FireFighterZero

    How'd it go today?

  6. FireFighterZero

    Masterblaster aka Butch Ballowe III

    Someday things aren't going to be so terrible. Hope I get to see it.
  7. FireFighterZero

    How'd it go today?

    I don't have any idea why. Must be some buried stuff working it's way to the surface I guess.
  8. FireFighterZero


    Because it's bitter/sour. That's coming from folks with falafel as a first language.
  9. FireFighterZero

    How'd it go today?

    Pissed off all day. Went to town to get drunk. Ended up going on an ambulance run instead. Half drunk now. Win/win I guess.
  10. FireFighterZero


    All the recipes I have looked at called for skinning the chickpeas.
  11. FireFighterZero

    Masterblaster aka Butch Ballowe III

    No shit.
  12. FireFighterZero

    Masterblaster aka Butch Ballowe III

    Still a hell of a thing.
  13. FireFighterZero

    What Did Ya'll Have For Dinner Tonight?

    We love our rice cooker LSX
  14. FireFighterZero

    How'd it go today?

  15. FireFighterZero

    lets see your wood splitting systems.

    Its about the best exercise i get. Plus...on lodgepole and doug fir....its way faster than a hydraulic splitter. Its all they can do to keep rounds on the block for me.