What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

  • Thread starter Rborist1
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2 more inches of snow last night. I have a total of 6 inches now, with 2-3 more forecast overinight...

Lows in the teens overnight as well... this crap is stayin' around for awhile.

started snowin hard and sticking then promply changed to a down pour. passes are all a mess right now. i-5 is closed north of us which is a little unusual. certainly going to be closed south of us with in an hour
Chance of an ice storm tonight . Less than 1 inch of snow on the ground ,temp hovering right above freezing .Warm air from the gulf is supposed to collide with cold air from the north ,Hibbing Minn. type air .Something will happen for sure .

I've got 18 cords of wood ,3 cases of beer ,25 gallons of gasoline and 6 20 pound tanks of propane .

If it's a bad one chances are I'll be in the tree biz this weekend .I'd much rather prefer to sit by the fire,sip a cool one and perhaps play indoor sports with a certain consenting female .;)
Fill a bath tub with water. Wish we had so we could have flushed without filling buckets at the brook.
Water it the tub,not a bad idea but I've got a well and a generater .Besides that I must have 500 trees I haven't marked my territory on yet .;) For some reason though wifey dear is not receptive to the idea of wee weeing in the woods .No pioneer spirit I guess .
It's 26 degrees and pretending to snow here. I think we're only getting a little dusting tonight but a good one's supposed to be coming Saturday night.
Water it the tub,not a bad idea but I've got a well and a generater .Besides that I must have 500 trees I haven't marked my territory on yet .;) For some reason though wifey dear is not receptive to the idea of wee weeing in the woods .No pioneer spirit I guess .

We have a well and no generator. That will be taken care of after Christmas though.
Well,that's another thing .The time to buy a gen-set is not during a storm .Of course hind sight is always 20/20 .:lol:

If you have a wood stove you aren't going to freeze but it's so much better if the blower works .
Good to see you back online, Newfie. Talk to Erik and see if you two can line up enough work to bring me up there for a couple weeks. I'll even bring you my generator.

Lots of irons in the fire, Skwerl. Workin' on it. :)
Stevens is opening in 2 hours, with 24 inches of new ultra light fluff (on top of 20" of older light stuff), and I'm out the door. It's 0 F, and dropping...brrrr

The area where I have my season pass opens tomorrow, but Alpental, the gnarly one of its four areas, needs a bit more snow and time....dang it.....they've got almost 40 inches on the ground, and also 24 new...

i just got back from stevens pass....48" deep-4-5% moisture content awesome powder, but nothing any good open. Going to Crystal tomorrow...where my bud said it was waist deep pow....but he was skiing 2400 vertical of steep and deep fall line. esp one of the classic US runs called Exterminator.

Now they say another 2 feet in mt's this weekend...and easterly winds thru the passes..up to 115 kph in the foothill towns...could be trees down....a bud might get work...I don't get calls from there normally. And maybe an ice storm in some parts of the lowlands....

The knees made it....kinda....but its not fun having to be careful....that ain't in my normal modus.....
Well,that's another thing .The time to buy a gen-set is not during a storm .Of course hind sight is always 20/20 .:lol:

If you have a wood stove you aren't going to freeze but it's so much better if the blower works .

In a pinch, we used a power inverter hooked up to one of the trucks. The blower, a real light and the radio made 5 days tolerable.
It looks like this area is right on the bubble .Temp is 32 degrees and raining at 10 til 6 in the am .Truck is defrosting as I type ,iced up bad .

Ice to the north they say . If it stays above freezing it should be okay because asphault retains some of the suns heat .If it goes below freezing it could be bad . Ice warning untill noon today .
Snowing like the dickens here in northeast PA. They say eight or more in before morn.
Typical now that is between rifle season and winter bow/flintlock. I really woulda liked this last week:what:
going to work in a cotton tee today.:D.......18 degrees on sunday night:/:
...thought you said, "in a cotton tree." Dang, you guys get your ups-n-downs with weather ey ?!?
Our great state is getting pummeled right now >>> 12" - 14" o' the white stuff.
Winter started early & stayed. I was really getting used to mild winters. Double Dang !