What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

  • Thread starter Rborist1
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I wish :(
How was it?

It was great, first time I've been to something like that...what do tree surgeons do on their holidays...go climb trees!

Great weather, great location, some great trees. They had the work climb set in a really big tallow wood, all the locals were remarking on what a great specimen it was.
There was 'try it out' footlocking, ariel rescue, SRT, habitat tree demo, axe throwing and pole climbing and loads of equipment. There was even a trapeze set up for the kids, and Kiah Martin had a tree set up for kids, women and those who wanted to try things away from all the bad a@@ tree men.

I met loads of people and seem to remember the name Angus, but I guess it wasn't you

Oh yeah..weather...dear me after 77 and 85% humidity yesterday its down to 70 and raining all day today....all your east coast snow melts as it crosses the gulf stream!
The cold front pushed all the way across Bermuda, huh?
This morning in Orlando it was in the high 30s when I got up. I bundled up in 3-4 layers and headed off to work. The bucket truck didn't want to start, had to crank it about 20 seconds before it kicked.

But the chill was short lived and it turned out to be a beautiful day. Clear, sunny, almost no wind and it warmed up to about 70.

Florida weather sucks, all you Yanquis and Canucks should stay home. ;):P
The cold front pushed all the way across Bermuda, huh?
This morning in Orlando it was in the high 30s when I got up. I bundled up in 3-4 layers and headed off to work. The bucket truck didn't want to start, had to crank it about 20 seconds before it kicked.

But the chill was short lived and it turned out to be a beautiful day. Clear, sunny, almost no wind and it warmed up to about 70.

Florida weather sucks, all you Yanquis and Canucks should stay home. ;):P

Yeah, when the Azores/Bermuda high moves away after summer is over the cold fronts dip down further south and we get your weather about two to three days later...but we NEVER get into the 30's..our all time record low is 44!
I think I'm going to take the boat out today. But it's only 55 now, I'll wait an hour or two until it warms up above 70.
I think I'm going to take the boat out today. But it's only 55 now, I'll wait an hour or two until it warms up above 70.

I think we are too! Wind is less than 5, the sun is out....now if I can just wait till 9 to wake John!! We are going after grouper and yellow tail...got to catch some grouper before they ban them. :)
It's still dreary here. High 30's in the AM and warms up to about 50 or so and the sun never shines. The only sun I have seen in the past week was because the reception for the funeral I went on Friday was at the Diablo Grande golf resort in the coast range and is high enough to be out of the fog.
What a coincidence, I'm taking the boat out today too! I'm gonna ride it down a hill like a sled.:P

just kidding, I don't have a boat.:lol:
Gotta go get in my boat and go to work...yesterday it was blowing 30kn and pi##ing rain, bumpy, salty ride across the harbour.
Today its cold, got to be only 68!...still windy, rain showers, though we always need the rain for the water tanks. Got to kit up in foul weather gear and get to the mainland...bills to pay!
There is a dusting of snow on the ground and it is a balmy 13*:(

forecast calls for bright sunshine and the temps may break 30*:|:

Ha! Lucky you! It's 1:30pm and standing steady at 11*. The wind feels really good too.:D

It was 8* when I went out to sand at 5:30am, 5* when I came back at 7:30am. Brrrrrrr!
Supposed to be about 56 and it feels colder, probably humidity up.
Some clouds keeping the sun from coming out entirely. Supposed to be in the mid to upper thirties tonight.
It was at 0 when I got up, and It may have made 15 in the sun. Working on a house renovation lately, been running the fireplace. Chop saw is right next to it, anything kinda shortish goes right in. We've got a mountain of slab wood down in back, going to be cutting that up too. Was kind of odd the first couple of fires we had. There was no wall on the one side of the house.:lol: Carpentry is kind of an interesting change from the other things I've done in life, just wish I could feel my fingers doing it.
It was 70 degrees yesterday. cloudy and colder today. Finished work in the rain...which turned to snow about 1/2 an hour after dark.