What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

  • Thread starter Rborist1
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I would be one angry SOB if it was in the 90s for christmas. I suppose if you grew up with it, it's normal, but afaic, if there's zero chance of snow for christmas, there is no christmas.
45°, sunny, 40mph winds, gusting to 55, from the south southwest. Significantly calmer winds down the slope. Normal wind state, unfortunately. Makes it hard to accomplish much outside. Any kind of sheet material, like plywood, drywall, etc, becomes a liability. Unsecured steel roofing is a hazard to life and limb. Impossible to paint, cement sets up on the surface too fast and blisters. Plumbing is misery dipped in shit or mud. Digging is to be sandblasted, and sometimes you'll be sandblasted just because of the area you're in.
We get warnings on the phone about driving "high profile vehicles", and they really should be taken seriously.
The high desert is windy, and I live in a particularly windy spot. I don't mind the cold, I'll layer up. I don't mind the rain, it's not frequent and should be enjoyed, and I also have rain gear, up to a point it's a non issue. I enjoy working in snowstorms, mostly because nobody else seems too. The wind sucks, and throws things around, mostly into eyes. And ears. And noses. And mouths.
I don't mind a breeze, and wind with a storm is to be expected. Waking up to the lion's roar of a 70mph gust at 0400, knowing the day will be cloudless, makes it really hard to want to crawl out of the blankets.

Oh dagnabit! I seem to have put on my ranty pants this morning!
Light frost during a few days last week. Now, a bit over the freezing point but the rain is here again. Dropping logs on the ground makes splash!
It's warmer outside the house than in, but it's also wet and yucky. Probably gonna make a fire. If I open the door, it's gonna let stinky warm weather in the house. Feels wasteful, but it's a trade off between warming up with wood or feeling tacky and damp, with a spring-like stink in the air.
Nights are cold, 18°(Freedom Units). Days aren't terrible so long as the wind lays down. Today we have high thin clouds, which combined with a slight breeze, will make for the unique kind of cold that cuts through your coat and seeps to the bone. If the sky clears, it might get almost nice out again.
Never made my fire last night, but I had the stove loaded, and it was ready to go this morning. I just "toughed" it out. I think it was 56° in the house when I went to bed, so not that bad. The dampness just made it feel cooler. Snow on the ground this morning, but it's long gone now. 40s today, and a decent breeze. Not much to complain about.
56 degrees in the house...not that bad...omeverluvin'g :).

@lxskllr Hey John...where on the keyboard is the little degree symbol, if I may ask? Well, really I mean where do you pull it from, 'cause I'm pretty sure it's not on my standard keyboard.
I'm using a compose key on gnu/linux. I have it assigned to CapsLock and I can build non standard characters...

CapsLock o+o=°
CapsLock "+o=ö
CapsLock t+m=™
so on...

Windows doesn't natively do it, but the web says this program will allow it...

Click the download link in the README.md section.
It's been so long since I've had a standard (read: physical) keyboard I'm of no use... gimmie a second...shift+7? Crap I don't remember... so much for that typing job!

I used to average 50-60 words per minute...
There is a way on windows, I told about it once before °. Someone asked about it for Mick or Stig I think, fair while ago.

le tréma or På.

You have to use the Character Map, just type that into the Search box and it should come up.


It was 32°C today and sunny, 24° now and a cool breeze.
30c here today, 31c tomorrow. We've had a bit of rain locally so its taken the edge off fire danger. Tomorrow we are hoping there is rain with the system coming through, thunderstorms predicted. Dry lightning is not good, it really dry not far from here.
Two multi day long fires already over on the east coast, back in Oct and Nov...way early
It hit Saturday, 3ft of rain in Cairns yesterday. Airport closed and a lot under water, a lot more rain up on the tablelands so the rivers are bursting.

My sister is ok, she's on a bit of a hill. Still got power but no internet or tv. She went for a bit of a walk this morning and didn't see any crocs, but they'll be around soon.

Not sure where it came from but it snowed pretty good late today. Made it a mess for me to get home. Still warm so it’ll all be mid tomorrow. Thankfully I’m on a road project for the week.
Is there anymore coming my way @flushcut ?