What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

  • Thread starter Rborist1
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  • Replies 8K
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The week of freeze is gone. A wave of ice rain did the transition, but luckily not in my area and not as heavy as what you are used to.
The last bits of snow still in the shadow melted tuesday morning, a quite pleasant and surprizingly (almost) hot day. Monday morning was 1°C, half sunny but windy, and tuesday I was invited by the customer's familly to eat with them in the garden ! Seeing the giant smile of their 8 y.o. daughter, I have had to accept. Nice folks by the way.

Now, it's rain again.
The hot days are comming and it was freezing just 8 days ago. With this temp, the buds wouldn't wait long before popping up everywhere.
54° in the sun, which is 5° warmer than the inside of my house. I opened the backdoor, which is on the shady side, and the wind blowing across the snow doesn't feel like 54° to me. I have a fire ready to go, but haven't lit it yet. I go outside, and a fire feels wasteful, then go inside, and feel a little chilly.
It's in the 40's now .I'm going to check the Jeep out because that near zero weather I think it might have frozen the fuel line .The SOB would not start which really annoyed me .The thing had sat for a year with no "dry gas:" in the gas tank and this is Ohio ,lots of humidity in the air from time to time .
Gorgeous this morning. 60 sunny and climbing. I got to get the bike out today among other things. Hung 2 loads of laundry. Got a dead elm by the side of the road around the corner I can't resist picking up and go air up tires and put a battery in a chevy pickup a hay customer and friend is giving me. And go to the bank to transfer a pos cd into something better I hope. 2 hay customers, garbage day, probably more as the day goes along.