What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

  • Thread starter Rborist1
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Ha! Looks like I got out of OK just in time. I was in Tulsa since last Wednesday and came home last night. :) It was in the 70's there on Friday! 8)
Seems to be a light snow now, SLICKER THAN SNOT out there right now! I mean fall on your butt walking to the car slick! Supposed to be like this until noon tomorow.
I went outside to get the dog food. Heard something VERY big crack and fall. Suggested Mike bring a chainsaw with on his way to work. He may need it to get there.

I"ll be amazed if we keep power today. Looks really bad out there. Times like this I wish we raised gerbils instead of cattle. There's a hundred hungry moo-moos out there waiting for me to show up.....ice or not. Bummer.


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Brrrrrr!!!!!!!!! At this current moment it's -4. Around here we call that stupid cold!!
My new signature "There's a hundred hungry moo-moos out there waiting for me to show up.....ice or not. "
Thanks Che! :D
well that was a short day.......wind sarted gusting too much for a removal over a house....dangit:X
my first post of the thread...Jan 28...at 8 ths morning it was 6 out side. now the internet says its 18. suposed to get to 36. hopefully it will start to thaw some of the ice on the roads...
It's like this going over to White River from Zigzag this morning...lovely weather for a chainsaw expedition.


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Oh it took me about an hour and a half to plow out the 12" of snow from my driveway .Of course about half that time was spent fiddling with a 50 some year old tractor .:what:
We got about 12" of snow; freezing rain mixed in there for awhile, too.

Almost 32 out.... heat wave!
Yeah they said it is supposed to reach the thirties here on Sunday for the Superbowl... people are going to think its summer outside!