What Stinks?


Jul 21, 2019
Been smelling something(s) lately, and I'm wondering what it is. I've smelled it in past years I think, but it's particularly bothering me this year. One scent is vaguely like diesel fuel. Not quite, but it's a petrochemical smell. I don't think it's anything farmers are doing, cause I've smelled it far away from from fields. The other is cat piss. Kinda like boxwood, but a little different. I suspect that's tree of heaven. Could that be making the diesel smell also?
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Maybe I guess, but I thought I was pretty tuned into what agrochemicals smelled like. I smelled it at the farm at work, and figured somebody spilled something. I drove somewhere more urban, and smelled it again. Got me wondering if it was my truck, but nothing on it should have that smell afaik. I'll smell it every now and again driving. It comes and goes. I dunno. It isn't a foreign smell. I've smelled it before, but I never took particular notice of it. Either it's stronger now, or I was less observant in the past.
What stinks here is a skunk. I can’t seem to catch him in the open. Had the house fan on to pull in some cool night air and our resident skunk wandered through...
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Just to check...when was the last time you took a good hot soapy shower???

Well, that's always a possibility, but the diesel smell is a little troubling since I don't really spend time with diesels. Maybe there's an untapped resource here. I could retire!
Could one of your neighbours be growing weed?

Sour Diesel and strains from this parent plant have exactly the odours you describe.
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Not weed, unless the world has upended, and people are growing stuff around here way different than they have in the past.

Side note... Seems like I smell weed everywhere anymore. Some of it is probably the higher quality that's around now, but I think it's just people giving fewer fucks, cause the penalties are way down from back in the day. Not inherently a bad thing, but stoners get on my nerves, and if someone wanted a job from me and their car smelled like weed, they'd be immediately disqualified unless I was desperate. There's a time and place for everything, but if you're always stoned, how do you even know? It's just a day that ends in "y" at that point, just a little slower and less competent.
Every day ends in y man, that's the point. Devils lettuce is far less harmful than drinking, and you are probably around drunks all day and don't even know it.
The one dog never paid any attention to them, he seen them he just doesn’t care. The other dog I have to take outside on a leash. He’s a killer, all 8 pounds of him, he would try to kick a bear’s ass if he seen it. Crazy bastard.
Farmers have been spraying something around here that has a different smell from 2 4 D. It goes away after a couple days. We used to spray 2 4 D on oats. You could smell it every morning when the dew was on it for a month. Nasty smell. Lawn weed and feed is similar but not as nasty.

There used to be a small factory across the block. That is a bit over a mile. They melted ingots of aluminum and then combined liquid chlorine. That turned into a gas and they sprayed water through it to precipitate aluminum chlorhydrate. We never smelled the chlorine. We would bale straw for bedding and when we busted open and shook out the straw you could smell chlorine. Must have been the dew carried it down and deposited it. When the factory closed it ended.

Back in the 60s a tank car of chlorine derailed about a mile from here. Good thing it didnt rupture. Probably wouldn't be here.
Had a momma and five pups living under a ol shed I’ve been going to take down last year and never smelled them once. Gave’em water and dog food twice a day. Wife thought I done lost my mind.

I have no problem being chief population control officer in my AO...

So you are indeed prudent with the authority vested in you as the CPCO in your AO ;) .
The skunks around our house are obviously of a different stripe. They love to wander through and spread their stench.
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I've never seen a living wild skunk. Seen them dead in the road, and smelled them, but I've never seen one moving around.
Could one of your neighbours be growing weed?

Sour Diesel and strains from this parent plant have exactly the odours you describe.

I think he would definitely find evidence of Marijuana injection Rich,used syringes and such.
Not to mention verirable zombies afflicted by the Reefer madness,woman of ill repute,jazz musicians etc.

You just have to know what to look for.