Unwelcome visitor


Feb 4, 2009
As I was about to turn the lamp out last night, I looked above the bed to see this.....



We've found them in the tub before, and a couple in the floor, but this was a first, seeing one on the ceiling. Might have proved uncomfortable had he dropped into the bed in the middle of the night!
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I can't figure out how it got in. The house is rather tightly built. We've been overrun with ants this year, due to the dry weather. This makes about 6 scorpions we've found in the house since moving in 10 years ago.
I have always heard they preferred "new" wood.

Built 10-year's ago doesn't fit that line of thinking.

Just goes to show that I don't know stuff. :)
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Never heard that about them liking "new" wood, Dennis. Could be something to it, I dunno. We live out in the sticks, and between bugs, rats, mice and assorted other critters, we've about seen it all.

Went out to the barn to get some hay for the goats, and spotted another unwelcome visitor. Head shot at 225 yards, while sitting on the tractor. I was well pleased. Not sure if his name was Slim Pickens, but it looks like he'd been living on slim pickings. Been a while since I saw one this scrappy.

Dang, not much meat on that one at all.
Almost not worth it to put him on the grill.

Butch, I just read an article about the side effects of the stuff used to fumigate houses.
Honestly the scorpions are less toxic.

It was interesting to see that none of the chemicals used are legal here.
Ah, I thought that was what the 17 bucks a month were for.
My Mom and Dad have a log house and they get scorpions all the time. They put glue traps ( the ones for mice) along the walls like behind the couch ect, and catch scorpions on they . Cheap enough to try I guess.
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I've only seen one or two outside. THey're rather easy to overlook as they frequent dark places, etc. But they are rather easy to spot in a white tub, on white tile....or on a white ceiling. If I never see another one in the house, I won't complain. Anybody on here ever been stung by one? (Stephen?) I've heard that it's terrible pain, and I've also heard that it;s not much worse than a wasp. I don't care to find out for myself.
If you get stung get some meat tenderizer and make a paste with it, put it on the sting and the pain will go away in about a min or two. I dont remember what kind we used, but I dont think it makes a difference. We have a bunch of them down here and at some point every one in my family has been stung. Not as bad as a rattle snake bite though, That will just ruin your day.
That looks like a Arizona bark scorpion. Looks identical to the one that I found in my boot about a year ago, in Ohio too. I think it came in with the pine straw mulch that we put down at our house. I had an extra bale and just stuck it in the garage, lets just say we don't keep the extras inside anymore!
My first year hear in FL I had wet shoes and left them on the porch got stung putting them on the following day. Since then always thump them out. It burned but hurt less than a fire ant bite!