Time Lapse Tree Work

Here you go, Nick.

<iframe width="853" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EmFQVrNqE8I" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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  • #78
Thanks Brian, I set the video to upload before I went to work. I cant seem to pull up the embed code on the mobile site and my only option is to share the link, so I copy and pasted to post it on my break.
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  • #80
A small side job Billy and I did today, we had a 'loaner' GRCS which was great. Definitely could have done without it but it sure helped! It was a pretty crispy ash tree with only one point, that would hold anything to speak of, to tie and rig off of.

Had $400 on the ash, added another 80 for the maple and 20 for the neighbors gutters. Taking home $500 ($250 each) for half the day is always nice!

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/_6QAkIiMPc4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
That's an awesome video. It seems to me you waste a lotta energy moving around, but that coulda be the speeded up thing. I like to move my body a lot less more than I move the tree.
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  • #86
He is getting better, @ 3:45 That killer groundie gets not one but two saws stuck, finishing with a hand saw... It was a learning experience with the GRCS for sure.
Hey, he might be the next greatest legend for all I know. I'm teaching my groundman to climb right now. I think he moves a mile in the tree just to make 3 cuts. He wears himself thin wasting great amounts of energy. We all start somewhere though.

You pinched 2 saws? No shame in that. I've pinched 2 at once, more then once.
Wish I could pick up a side job or three......

Nice work Nick. I only have one question.

What the hell took so long? ;)
I think he moves a mile in the tree just to make 3 cuts.

Economy of movement is an awesome thing to master. You can work the tree or you can let the tree work YOU.

I've said it before and I'll say it again... Working in a tree is more like Chess than Checkers.
Economy of movement is an awesome thing to master. You can work the tree or you can let the tree work YOU.

I've said it before and I'll say it again... Working in a tree is more like Chess than Checkers.

I completely agree. Efficiency, safety, and productivity in perfect harmony is beautiful.
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  • #92
Yanked a pretty big Pine out of someones pond today using the 30 ton... The great part was the pond was about 3 feet from their septic leaching field, which made the pond consist of and smell mostly like shat. We couldnt pull the crane up very close because of the septic and such so we were way over extended but we got it done..

Not SUPER exciting, there was a lot of down time... The movie is 4 minutes 4 seconds with an elapsed time of just under an hour, about 56 minutes using a 12:1 timelapse.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/W3AJ3UNaego" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Pretty sure our crane bill was less than 3 hours.
Nick, the last two vids you posted are blocked from viewing in my location, due to music copyright infringement...so it says.
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  • #100
I can't watch it on Full Screen. Anybody else?

It should work fine... I made the video in a slightly different format this time, It was A LOT faster on the editing side. I used a 1024x768 formatting vs 1280x720 (720p or low hi-def, what I usually use.) It really reduced the processing time with iMovie.

Nick, the last two vids you posted are blocked from viewing in my location, due to music copyright infringement...so it says.

I have included music in these. In the US if the music is someone elses copyright YouTube will allow it, but show ads... The revenue goes to the artist unless I sign up then its a share. I dont have anywhere near the traffic that it matters. In certain countries with different laws this makes my video get blocked. You can try going to:


If it works you can view other blocked videos by using http://internetproxy.net/Free-Web-Proxy/youtube-proxy.html

Nice. About mid way was a fountain tested after some was picked?

The tree was resting on a aerator I am not sure if that was a test or if it had been off and was turning on or what the case was. The HO had expressed concern about it and its presence was noted on the job order.