Think you're pretty good with an axe?


Woods walker
Mar 7, 2005
Western Oregon
I did too...not any more.

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Why did they jump down and start over???

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They have to cut through the top bit from both sides to finish. So they need to change sides.
Makes it that much more amazing

Just 2 minutes too!

They should have a newbie climber in the mix too spike up and cut it with a MS150 just for fun to see if he could beat them.
:lol: when I first read your comment I thought it said a newbie climber should spike up 150 feet and cut it....that might be good, too.!!:D
25 years ago I got my old mentor to come out and fell a tree with axe and long saw.

Just to show a bunch of apprentices how it was done.

Richard, my partner was one of them.

None of us have felt " good with an axe" after seeing 75 year old Paul Plewa wield one.
He walked past a wrist size branh and lopped it off parrallel to the log without even stopping.

We still talk about that day.
My old boss was Aussie champion at that for a while.

The reason I didn't go anywhere with it was this guy (and a few others). Steve Rees wasn't too bad, lived not too far from me but Laurence O'Toole :shaking:.

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That vid was freaking awesome.

Serious balance, agility, strength, endurance, and skill
Let me just say this .I could never hit the same place twice in a row but on the other hand became an expert at changing ax handles .No way in the world would I stand on a block with a razor sharp ax and try to chop my toes off .I'm rather fond of all ten of them .
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  • #17
How they do that in tennis shoes is baffling! And that is awesome.

I'd not be surprised at all that an axe like that, wielded by a axman as powerful as those men, would slice through a steel toed boot like the proverbial knife through butter.

At that level of expertise, every stroke hits within micrometers and tiny percentages of the angle of it's intended placement.

You know what some say..."If it's too hot for you, stay out of the kitchen".
How about they do something productive and have firewood splitting competitions

How about this for some modern tool skill
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I first saw a lumberjack competition at the Cummington Fair around '00. The winner was 73, Dave Geer, look him up, and the runner up was 66.
See who can stack the most slices of wood while cutting them from the log. The other two competitors couldn't stack any.
I think that guy was trying to make half discs since his saw was kicking off each of his discs. A heavy saw to be doing that with anyway.

The guy to watch is the one in the middle
Yeah waaaaay too big of a saw, and super dull too? I'm surprised no one made a bunch of cuts almost all the way thru, and then do a vertical cut to make them all free :lol: what's the saying? If you aren't cheating you aren't trying? :lol: