The "You can't make this sh*t up" thread

  • Thread starter Rborist1
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  • Replies 303
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This wasn't about head cutting as far as I noticed, but about censure.

Why is it worse to cut someones head off than to fry them in the electric chair?
Both are equally archaic methods.

I'm all for capital punishment, but there are smarter and less painful ways to kill people, as Mssr. Guillot has demonstrated.
Without religions we would still have no lack of stupid reasons to kill each other in hideous ways.
I wonder how this job worked out for him?

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Man, I sure hope this is a hoax.

Oh wait... we're just being overly sensitive and intolerant, right?

Why shouldn't they be proud of 9/11?
To them, it was a great achievement.
Just like 8/6 was to you guys.

Erik, tell me this:

Why is it that when someone, sitting in an office in Washington, fires a Hellfire missile from a remote controlled Predator drone in Afghanistan and wipes out a bunch of civilians ( purely by accident, of course), it is an act of war, but when someone flies a plane into the Pentagon and tries to wipe out a bunch of military personnel, it is an act of terrorism??????

I realize that anybody saying anything about 9/11 is setting themselves up as the taget for a shitstorm.
Before you start it, please rememeber all the flowers placed in front of the American embassy in Copenhagen on 10/11.
Some of those flowers were placed by my wife and I.

OK, let the shitstorm start.
Not even 8/6?
The death toll was like 30,000 times higher.
But of course they weren't Americans.
The difference is... one is collateral damage caused by deliberately hiding targets of interest among civilians... the other is deliberately targeting civilians (The WTC). The Pentagon has a huge number of non-military personnel.

Then again... who says they're civilians? One minute they're a freedom fighter with an AK-47 in a military stronghold... the next minute they're a civilian, and it's a mosque.

Don't try to tell me different; I've seen it.
You'r at war with these guys. I get that they are you'r enemies. What I don't get, is your Moral outrage that they have the effrontery to celebrate their small victory over you.

I saw lots of shirts like that not long after 11/9. People hate the US, with good reason. Get over it.
I couldn't agree more to the last part of your post, Erik.

The only difference between a civilian Afghan and a Taliban is that the first has thrown his gun aside before being shot.

My new apprentice is an Afghan vet, I get to hear plenty of stories.

I just get a little fed up with that 9/11 syndrome that the US suffers from. you have as many dead in traffic any day as died in 9/11.
Sure it hurts when a bunch of goat herders manage to strike into the heart of the worlds ( back then, anyway) greatest nation.

But how can you begrudge them being proud of it?

How many" We killed Bin Laden" ( and nuked the japs) t-shirts have there been made.

It is a "David & Goliath" story.
They'll be telling their kids about it for generations, just like you guys are telling your kids about the brave revolutionary heroes ( except Sarah Palins parents, apparently).

Try looking at it from their viewpoint for a moment, and forget that they managed to score a point against you.
Oh, I get that they're proud of it.

I don't get that one would be stupid enough to walk down a main street in NYC with that shirt on.

Kinda like Bruce Willis's sign in Harlem, know what I mean?
What happened to freedom of speech and all that crap?

Guess it doesn't apply to t-shirts in your part of the world:lol:

Around here we have had quite a buch of discussions about freedom of speech/expression.

When the whole Muhammad cartoon thing was going on( which BTW I was totally in favour of, knowing the background for the making of the cartoons) our right wingers were like: " we have freedom of speech, the frigging goatherders'll just have to learn to live with it", but seeing a t-shirt like the one in your post, they'll want the wearer punished.

Apparently in Denmark as well as in the US, freedom of speech only counts if the speaker is saying stuff that we agree with.