The New Offical Mutts of the House thread

  • Thread starter Werks 4 da Man
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I wanted to get a muzzle. The woman thinks he'll still mess up what is now a decent little wound with it. Seemed like a good idea to me. As well as a great photo op. Hannibal lecter him up! If he doesn't get healed up over the holidays I think we'll have to get one for him. pita to have to watch him all the time.
Good recovery!!!

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Just hanging with the beast! I don't know if you'd really call it a rescue session or not. Lol. But the beer is good and ole thunderbal lecter doesn't seem to mind the muzzle that much. Stupid old fool is gonna chew his leg right off if we let him. Family went out to the show but I'm on dog duty. 24/7 surveillance on this bastard for the last week or so. He hasn't licked it but he keeps rubbing the scab off when he's chasing rabbits while sleeping.


The muzzle has only been on for a beer so far. Let's say 20min. I just got it today. So the jury is still out on its effectiveness. But by next week he's going to have to be left alone so we are thinking muzzle, cone, and wrap it for the best chance of success. The last week or so we've just kept him under full time surveillance, sleeps in our bedroom too.

Poor old guy. He's probably thinking the best thing he's ever done. Non-stop attention.
Under constant supervision he never goes for the wound. He knows we don't want him too, he's gotten enough trouble for it that he won't go for it at all if he's accompanied. But left on his own I know he'd tear into it again. Looks rough in the pic there but it's actually healing up pretty good.

King snuggler this guy, crawl right in your lap any chance he gets.
I'd Neosporin it, wrap the shit outta it, then put campho-phenique on the outside wrap.

If he puts his nose close to that, his nose needs calibrated!!!
I had to look that stuff up, it's for cold sores? It stinks real bad though? We have been trying to figure something to put on the bandage so he won't go at it.
I'll put it on the woman's shopping list.

I just de-muzzled the furry bugger. He pulled at it a couple of times but never got it off.
Cool. That we may even have on hand I think.

This has been a real pita, started out as quite a small cut and far from the first cut he's ever had in his eleven years. Dabbed some polysporin on it and thought he'd be good to go. Brought him out of the kennel one day and he'd hamburgered it. Had this old feller to long a time to have him suffer from something like this.
That sucks...hope the old guy gets better soon.

Otis has been gimping around, keeping weight off one rear leg, when he first gets up for the last couple weeks. Vet thinks it's arthritis (@ 4yrs old?)...wonder if it might have to do with all the time in the pound... Says if it gets worse we could medicate for pain and keep him immobile....WTH? Try keeping a 4 year old bull-terrier still all the time? And why only treat the symptoms...

He spends the biggest part of his days lounging as it is...I was thinking it might be form laying around too much...who knows...

Right now just carrying on as usual and seeing how things go. Be nice if it just went away...
Had a big old post wrote & my internet went down...:|:

Long story short...he gets a good number of short walks each day.
That is what my first thought was...too much inactivity.

My reasoning was because it happens only when he first gets up...after he walks around and stretches a bit he's ready to party.

I'd love to make it out there to shake your hand sometime Jim. We'll see what the finances look like next fall after the golf course closes.
Justin, last time I had a sore on a back leg on Thais, I put a cone on him.
Next day it was all licked clean anyway, because his buddy Sam helped him.
So I took a some Bhut Jolokia hot sauce that I had in the fridge and applied it around the wound with a q-tip, being very careful not to get any in the wound.
That stuff is something like 3 gazillion Scoville.

No more licking after that.
We are still just watching him constantly. He's so old now it's pretty easy. His hobbies are sleeping and his activities are sleeping too
Ha ha.

Igor ripped his dewclaw a while back and I had to keep an eye on him to stop him bothering it.

Touch and go if we had to put a cone on him, but eventually it recovered enough and he stopped.

It’s upsetting though I know.

Charlie was fine with that stuff though, even after spaying her I had the cone off next day and she was fine, didn’t obsess at all.