Summer Limb Drop

  • Thread starter klimbinfool
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  • Replies 81
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  • #77
Yeah it just made it. My rib was bothering me so we sqeezed her in.

No tossin Butch that stuffs waaaaay to heavy for me...:D
Nice work, Greg.

Back to the subject, because the movement of water through trees is slightly complex :what: the theory of the tree voluntarily shutting off the water has never worked for me. I have not been able to find anyway that this could be achieved physically within the tree in a short period of time.

My theory, is that the draw created by the need exceeds the ability of the uptake, creating an aneurism if you will. This would satisfy, in my mind, the fact that this is caused by water demand which would increase weight and then a water deficit when viewed at the breakage site.

I suppose I should just stick to chainsaws and ropes. :D

Dave, your explanation is how I had previously understood the phenomenon, but I know that there is some contention about that. It does make sense to me, though.
I truly think we are going to eventually find that SLD will be termed as a process that expedites an already compromised limb into failure not actually creating the compromise. In a way .. cutting the tree's losses sooner than later to conserve water. Letting the tree support (due to available water) what it can support but only the healthier part of the plant.
I hope that makes sense...
Now I am off to go clean some of the messes from whatever drop instead of trying to figure it out :)