Stihl MS880 ported.


Sep 6, 2006
central Florida
I hate to do it but I have absolutely no need for this fantastic machine. As most of you remember I bought it in pristine condition and had Timberwolf port it before shipping it across the border. I used it on one tree the day after I got it and haven't used it since. My ported 395XP can handle anything around here. I don't think everything is even fully seated yet so it's probably going to get stronger after a few more tanks of fuel. I paid over $250 for a 42" bar and three chains which will go with it.

Asking $1500 plus shipping.

I need to start putting my down payment together for my house and every thousand dollars makes a difference.
That's what I paid for mine....

Man, I'm really done spending money for now, and I'm sticking with it! (For now :evil:)
I still haven't heard a solid number on how much my new cutterwheel is going to cost with the additional teeth. Called the fella today, waiting to hear back.
Just had a call from a woodturner an hour ago.
He bought a VERY used 066 a few months ago and it just died on him.
So he decided he wanted something with enough power to do the job.
He just bought a spanking new 880 to cut up logs for the lathe with.
Talk about overkill.
Somehow he got the price knocked down by $400, they don't sell many 880s around here.

I have a 20" bar for it that has been sitting around my shop for some 20 years.
I'll give him that and a 9 hole sprocket, then he won't be able to kill that saw in the cut.
No, He just bought a VB34 bowlturner lathe, that's big league.
He was the guy I cut those two 250 kg ash blanks for this spring.
He does big work, but that 880 is still so much overkill.

Watching his face when he did his first cut with that 20" bar and a chain charpened by a pro( me!) was priceless, though.
The damned thing went through a foot thick beech log like a hot knife through butter.

He grew up in Africa, so I told him, he should have bought Stihl's " white hunter" model of the saw.

You know, the one that comes with two native bearers to carry it for you, untill you need it:lol:
A old friend of mine bought a brand new 084 with woods porting and tune exhaust pipe from Madsens over 20 yrs ago. He figured he was going to take 1st place at our local "modified chainsaw contest". The brand new "tight" 084 didn't show alot a promise.
I disappointed him when I took 1st place with my piped 064.:D The 084 came in 6th.
The 084/MS880 are beautiful saws, if I didn't have my 090AV I would buy Skwerls 880.

Oh, they are wonderful saws, alright.
If you have a use for them.

I think about 80% of the big saws sold here are sold to guys that just have to have the biggest you can get.

It is a new thing, too.
The first 084 sold in Denmark was bought by me.
It seems that with saw prices being lower in proportion to income, more guys can afford something they really don't have any use for.

Somebody knocked over a large beech in the woods behind my property last summer.
I walked down to investigate, and found a guy who had bought it for firewood.
He had also bought a brand new Husqvarna 3120 to fell it with.

I just walked past the tree an hour ago, training my dogs,
Most of it is still left there.

Go figure!
Damn Brian, I am on painkillers but I'm seriously trying to talk myself into that beautiful saw. Don't know if I can swing it though with trying to make my own house deal work.
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I hear ya, Justin. The good news is that I may have a line on private financing, bad news is that I need $20K down and only have $14K. I am sooooooo close!
I feel your pain Brian. I'm not so close, I have to sell my other rental in order to make it happen for myself. I could've gotten away with doing it if the one that hasn't sold yet had sold, but I don't have enough equity in the one that did sell to make it a go with just the one sale. If that makes any sense. Lol
Yah, or if I make it happen. I was trying to sell my other rental privately. Now I've got a realtor involved, we'll see.
Man Brian, wish I could help you out but I'm stretched to thin. I don't really need it but an 880 would be nice to have for slabbing. I could just leave my mill hung on it!
Well I do to. I just was throwing out possible money making ideas.
I've been trying to think of somebody here who might want it, the exchange rate is very conducive. A hangup is half the time that's why they hire me, 'cause I can lift the big saws. I tell them there is nothing to it, just get it into the wood. Crazy priest would have wanted it, it's a good step up from his big Husky, but he just spent thirty-five grand on his mom's funeral. Hate to see a saw like that not find a home.
Brian, just a idea when money is thin on the buyers side and it is a big saw purchase. If it someone you know and trust to do this with.

On big saw purchases in the past, when full amount wasn't available at the time, I have put money down and made monthly payments till the saws were paid for. Just a option if you have someone in the back ground wanting and you trust. Good Luck on sale, nice woods ported MS880 for the price of a stock slow one.