Proud new daddy? I think (Gas Container Thread)


Feb 10, 2011
Cape Cod
Well I finally had to break down and buy a new gas can today. I am not sure if I am a proud new daddy or kickin the dirt wondering why I cannot be held responsible for not spilling a drop. WTF is with every govt. agency ruling my world? Ah well alls well that ends well. I am not sure if I like it or if I want to move to Canada. Ha

The funny thing was it cost 10.99 to buy and 12.00 to fill(including premix).:teeter:
They outlawed polypropylene gas jugs here, saying that they can blow up from static electricity. Oddly, some late model vehicles and boats have that material as the gas tank.
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Sorry. It is the gear forum after all. I have numerous(20+) cans kickin around with owning dirtbikes and sleds, all the spouts have finally deteriorated. There are none to be found in the US or at least in Mass due to Cali's laws, CARB I think. Maybe I can melt down my old cans and make new nozzles.
No-Spill cans rock. Won't use any other.

No-Spill cans rock. Won't use any other.

Ditto. I never in my life thought I'd ever spend $20 on a gas can until a buddy bought me one of these cans. I rocked the old Rubbermaid wide bottom cans for 20 years but now they are collecting dust in the old shed.
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Aren't there major problems with venting? any I've seen pour slow as hell.
Nope, not these. They are the only can I've ever used which can be easily used without spilling. All the other so called 'safety' cans practically force you to spill gas when you try to use them.

I have had to replace a couple spouts. The o rings in the older ones didn't hold up to ethanol very well. The last two spouts I bought are trouble free.
The only problem with these cans is there is no venting except when you press the button. If left out in the sun, and you don't notice the can swelled, expect an air explosion. Not a big deal really, just press the button to relieve the pressure before filling. These pour just as fast or faster than a couple of the old cans with vents I no longer use.

I think Brian's recommendation made me buy my first. Now I have four of them, two 5 gal., one 2.5 gal., and one clear general purpose 1 gal. I need to get some diesel cans still.
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Glad to hear all the good news! I was really hesitant but had no choice. Sorry to be unclear on the title of the thread.
The gas cans up here have a dual tube pour tube now, one for air along the spine and the other for the fuel to go through, no vent cap on the back, a slight PITA.
Brendon, do the 5 gal no spill containers poor fast? I have had the 2.5's for a couple years now and love them, and I was always curious about the 5's.
If left out in the sun, and you don't notice the can swelled, expect an air explosion. Not a big deal really, just press the button to relieve the pressure ***BEFORE TILTING*** before filling.

Ask me how I know, and how much I like my safety glasses.

Once. ONLY Once of getting a blast of gas vapor in the tank and splashing me quite a bit in the face, but not in the eyes. Its a good idea to know where the outside faucet in in cases like this, and luckily I did.
Since I use OPG, I only keep about a half gallon in a bleach jug. Works great, but you gotta poke a teeny tiny hole in the top to stop swelling.

OPG = other people's gas
You guys like picking up gallons of gas every time you need to fill up, I can never get that. I'd show my custom container again, but the ridicule makes me sad.
Can't be sold here, from what I understand. I like the looks of the top can, do the spouts pull out and pour?

I don't like the separate spouts on the stihl can.
I've had one like the orange one for a long time, got to be well over fifteen years. It was good out bush but not much use here so I cut the oil can off. Now I just keep it as a spare with unmixed fuel, comes in handy at home or for my stump grinder sometimes.
They look messy to me. After a few weeks it would be near impossible to pour gas without getting bar oil all over your paws.