Protos and sena


Feb 26, 2012
Eastern PA
I recently got everyone new proto helmets with the sena coms. It hasn?t been that long but I?m not sure if I ever want to work without them now. Especially since we got the mini our days have become a lot noisier. The safety aspect is great of course but I?m excited about what it does for camaraderie.
The comms are great for the comraderie. One sometimes has to remind the crew to snap out of it and pay attention to the work.

How’s life? Are you getting any sleep yet? Babies are tiresome critters, ain’t they?
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The comms are great for the comraderie. One sometimes has to remind the crew to snap out of it and pay attention to the work.

How’s life? Are you getting any sleep yet? Babies are tiresome critters, ain’t they?

Not much sleep. He’s like everyone else in the family. Up late, up early, and stubborn.
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How do the sena’s do in the rain? Are they waterproof? Mine came with no paperwork.
Which model? If you cover the USB charging port with the rubber flap, should be highly water resistant.
They?re decent Page. As GP said, just make sure you close the charging port. There is a rubber seal where the battery connects the the helmet as well. If you?re taking the batteries off to charge just make sure to blow the saw dust away before re-clipping
I wouldn?t suggest working in a torrential down pour or swimming with them either.


Not water proof by any means. Do not submerge.
Now proven true. While I was off to Colorado, my helmet was borrowed by the stand-in grapple op. He got "brushed" in the helmet and it fell off & took a dive into the Lake of the Ozarks. Now it just shuts off after a few seconds. Maybe it will dry out, but this is almost a week later. Meanwhile, I'll enjoy the silence!