Petzl Vizir face shield...............................


Nov 1, 2013
Maybe this is just one of those things that either really works or really doesn't.... I had high hopes for this thing, got it figuring the convenience/not fogging up like glasses would be worth looking like a power ranger. I still have a headache just from trying it on. Sure am glad I didn't pay $55 for the darn thing. All I could see out of mine was the nose bridge, which was almost an inch from my nose with the helmet properly positioned... Like to think I have a fairly average shape and size of head... Is there some kind of adjustment that I am missing, or do these things just suck and nobody told me? :O
Mine is fine. Didn't have to adjust it etc:?
I don't like mine at all. Hits my nose, with helmet adjusted as best I can. And it gets grungy in no time. I leave it up almost all the time, and wear glasses or mesh goggles when its wet or moist out.