Looking for Arborist Job


Young Arborist
Feb 20, 2013
Ontario, Canada
Sorry if this is the wrong forum. Looking for an arborist / forestry job in southwestern ontario, have own gear, 2 year horticulture degree. Worked for a nursery for 2 years pruning but just rec climbing and side jobs since i left school. looking for possibility to do my arborist apprenticeship too.
That's a tough one, most of this area is saturated with tree companies, most don't seem to be looking for climbers. London, Hamilton, KW and Burlington would be the places to go, seem to have high turn over rates, a lot of help wanted ads on kijiji, however most are not looking to train. Just my humble assessment of the area.
If there is anyone in michigan looking for some help over winter please let me know. I'm real experienced with a saw and quite mechanically inclined, still quite green with climbing but trying
And a decent ground person, good with ropes, familiar with GRCS, POW, zip lines, and other rigging scenarios, skidder and mini operation, tree identification and characteristics, and an excellent work ethic and attitude. Easy to work with, good communication skills, and not afraid to learn someone else's way to do things.

Nick and I worked together for about a year now, both in logging and in tree service. I'm happy to give him a good reference.

Your too humble my friend, wish I had the work to keep you busy.
Your too humble my friend, wish I had the work to keep you busy.

Nick, a customer a while ago told me, Sean, Don't be afraid to self-promote. Sell it more than real experienced with a saw. my .02. You sound like you're way ahead of many tree service employees. A pro climber is rarely a skidder operator. Most groundies don't climb at all. etc.
Thanks for the advice. Tree service is just kinda new to me so I still feel like the new kid in school. Logging was just second nature, loved the speed and the hard work and of course nothing better than getting to cut big trees all day
I much prefer a humble man over a guy who brags himself up. I sure wish I had enough work to hire a full-time employee like you, Timbertramp. Best of luck to you.
