Leg cramps


Aug 16, 2008
I get them at night sometimes, after a hard day, but three times or so it started to happen at a recent job site while simply standing. A first for that. I was able to stretch it out so it didn't worsen. The terrain was pretty irregular, it might have been a factor. I consume lots of sport's drink, and thought it was supposed to help prevent that. Anybody have a similar thing and any prevention ideas? I'm not really clear on the cause. Darn uncomfortable. Thanks.
You're old! :lol:
Seriously, I gave up on sport drinks ... straight water and LOTS OF IT. I have found an old country remedy; a little apple cider vinegar in water helps restore some of the electrolytes. But, the sports drinks have too much sugar for me.
So, water, water, water ... and more :) water --- but everyone is different ;)
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I'll grant that, I'm not getting any younger. Cycling a lot, my legs are still in good shape, but I guess that isn't much a factor....?
I guess the 'old' joke isn't all that funny. I really don't think age is much of a factor in dehydration, except that we (and I'm older) get out of the habit of drinking enough water. I sweat like a lawn sprinkler. If I drink a lot of water, I'm fine with the heat. My wife however does NOT 'dew' (i.e., sweat) enough so water is not a factor in her heat tolerance. She can't take the heat period - water or not.

But, for me, if I don't force myself to stay hydrated before I get thirsty, I'll cramp-up. Minerals are important, too. So, make sure you get the right amount of natural potassium and magnesium.

Good thread, BTW! :)
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My usual routine has been to start knocking back sports drink before starting the job, and I drink frequently after that. it all starts pumping out pretty quickly. In the evening, sports drink usually gets replaced by a beer....or two. I usually hit the sack around 11 or a bit later, but after about 10:30, the sherriff says I can't have any more brewskys, so two is about my max, liking to partake of the pleasure slowly. As mentioned, at night has been the occurrence of cramping, this during the day thing is something new. Normally in my shop or wherever, cramping is a non issue. Tree work is definitely the most physical activity that I generally do.
Drinking Gatorade is my first preventive, aside from taking a potassium tablet every morning. I refused to drink Gatorade for years, simply because I couldn't see paying the price they wanted for it at convenience stores. Then in '05, the week after Katrina hit, I hired a guy who graduated with my brother who was just out of college and looking for something temporary. (Roofing didn't please him well.) The first day on the job, he offered me a Gatorade and I accepted. I could tell the difference that afternoon from drinking that one Gatorade. I picked up a can of the powder from Walmart that weekend and have been carrying it to work with me ever since whenever it's hot. I can mix it for under 25 cents a quart. My little cooler holds 6 12-oz bottles just perfectly.

I used to cramp every day before I started taking the potassium tablets and drinking Gatorade. Forearms, shoulders, back, calves, thighs, you name it, it cramped. The absolute worst is the belly. I've had them that felt like a golf ball in my belly. And unlike other muscles, where you can stretch the cramp out, you can't bend back far enough to get an abdominal cramp out. I've come home from a hot day at work and sat down to supper, opened my mouth to take a big bite of something, and my jaw/neck/throat/whatever-it is-that-opens-your-mouth would cramp so bad I couldn't chew my food. Since the potassium and Gatorade, I don't cramp near as bad, and I've been thinking of taking a magnesium supplement as well.

I've heard and read that too much Gatorade can cause kidney stones, so I make sure to drink at least 3 bottles of water to every bottle of Gatorade. I often drink over 2 gallons of water a day when it's hot.
Anybody who buys sports drinks at a convenience store is burning up their money. WalMart, in bulk, is the way to go.
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Here, the convenience stores will sell frozen sports drink, and they charge even more for it.
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Yes, I have been using the powder, something called Pocari Sweat here. Tastes like sweetened sweat, but it's tolerable. I was advised to mix it half strength.
Straight water here. I get leg cramps ocassionally but not with any real frequency. Traumatized my daugher one night with a big one. Gotta stay hydrated.
Just remember... you can OD on straight water. It's an electrolyte thing, NOT a water issue.

You can even die from to much water without replacing your electrolytes. I mostly use electrolyte replacement pills I order from a catalogue called Ben Medows but the best way I have found to reduce cramps is to bring on another guy to share the work load.
I imagine you lack potasium .Bananas are a good source if you can stand the taste which I detest myself .

Now this might sound silly but I had a doctor tell me to go to the drug store and buy a supply of old fashion quinine pills .You don't need a perscription .Take a dozen or so a day .It worked I'll have to say that .
After thought on this .Distilled spirits whiskey whatever caused me terrible leg aches for some reason . Removal of the former caused the symptoms of the later to go away .Beer has no ill effect obviously because of the vitamin P content .
I drink a gallon a day of switchl aka. Ginger water. My grandmother use to send it with me haying. It contains vinegar about a inch and a half in the bottom of a gallon jug a cup of sugar add water then sprinkle with ginger. It surely works with the cramps it also quenches your thirst like no other.
Nuun tablets and lots of water. Local grocery has the 32 powerade zero on sale all summer for .69 cents. And cases of water for 2.39 for 24.