Least favorite part of the job

If it is the regular crane operator's job, he will usually bring six or seven saws for ground people to use, and they will have to be checked them for gas and oil and warm them up. Sometimes there can be a starting problem. I use my own gear and my saws are usually ready to go from the night before, though I might bum some oil, and hate the chore of getting other people's saws ready. More now I simply don't do it. I don't like moving brush by hand, but a necessity sometimes. Generally being on the ground when someone is working above makes me feel somewhat bored. I hate when people panic like because they see something that doesn't agree with them.
Kinda like the, "while you're up there, can you.....?" And thirty minutes later you're finally getting to come down, and they thought you weren't going to charge for all the add-ons?
How about they watch you chip, rake, blow, and then as you try to collect they pipe in "well I expected you to get those tips there..."

"Oh you expected that huh? and when I didnt do it and started cleaning up you thought you would wait till now to remind me huh?"
I don't take instructions from homeowners on how to trim a tree. Period. This ain't Burger King and I'm not some f***ing monkey with a chainsaw that will cut the limbs you point at. I have spent a lifetime learning how to prune and care for trees while you have no clue. I'll do it right or you can hire somebody else to cut the limbs you point at.
I don't take instructions from homeowners on how to trim a tree. Period. This ain't Burger King and I'm not some f***ing monkey with a chainsaw that will cut the limbs you point at. I have spent a lifetime learning how to prune and care for trees while you have no clue. I'll do it right or you can hire somebody else to cut the limbs you point at.

I just changed my signature... too funny.
I don't like it when the homeowners serve tea or whatever refreshment, and they bring out the same little bowl of goodies at three, minus what was in there at ten. Kind of picky like that, I guess, but diversity is the spice of life.
Kinda like the, "while you're up there, can you.....?" And thirty minutes later you're finally getting to come down, and they thought you weren't going to charge for all the add-ons?

Right? And I have to depend on the foreman to let me know to charge them.

Lots of things to complain about, but remember, you guys make it happen.
I don't take instructions from homeowners on how to trim a tree. Period. This ain't Burger King and I'm not some f***ing monkey with a chainsaw that will cut the limbs you point at. I have spent a lifetime learning how to prune and care for trees while you have no clue. I'll do it right or you can hire somebody else to cut the limbs you point at.


Subcontracting for landscapers with no tree-knowledge at all claiming to be tree-expert.