Least favorite part of the job


Cheesehead Treehouser
Nov 5, 2006
Neenah, Wisconsin
What's your least favorite part of your job? Mine is changing stump grinder teeth. It always seems to be needed on hot days/nights after a long day in the field...... Guess what I was doing tonight.

We don't have an air compressor large enough to run an impact wrench so I do it the old fashioned way, with a breaker bar. It takes me about an hour and i hate every second of it. Maybe the only thing that I hate worse could be humping wood up a steep hill on my shoulder.

So what do you hate?
After helping Carl out on some jobs and seeing just how fast a Gehl can handle brush, I hate clean-ups. I can't seem to move fast enough. I don't mind the work, it just seems like I'm spinning my wheels in regard to time.

Aside from that, my least favorite part is probably the times I'm having to stand in the hooks and wait/watch while the ground crew is moving stuff/untying stuff/figuring out how to deal with stuff....yep, groundies and stuff.

And what Butch said, except past 80*....
I dislike changing chipper knives. Paperwork too. I hate hedging the most though. Around here there are tons of cedar hedges and everyone thinks because I have a bucket truck that I'm the guy for trimming them. I do it..............but I find it demeaning and embarrassing. It really infuriates me when it's assumed that it's something I do. I work on frigging trees, not overgrown shrubs. The more I think about it definetly hedging is the worst.
Ha ha ha. Heh I charge full rate for hedging, so it's a love/hate sort of thing I guess. It's pretty much zero risk involved, comparativey to treework anyways. This is logging country so the easy jobs or basically trees that can be halfways easily fell are often picked off by neighbors or whatnot.

Heh I love to bitch! Lol.
I'll never touch a hedge again, always overwhelmed with trees and stumps.

My least favorite thing is having hired help...........which I'll never do again either:lol:
When you employee people, I feel the pressure to make sure they make a good living too. No downtime/missed days.

So I take most all of what comes my way if the pay is right.
What's your least favorite part of your job? Mine is changing stump grinder teeth. It always seems to be needed on hot days/nights after a long day in the field...... Guess what I was doing tonight.

We don't have an air compressor large enough to run an impact wrench so I do it the old fashioned way, with a breaker bar. It takes me about an hour and i hate every second of it.
Eric try GreenTeeth, you'll only have to spend a minute on the job when needed to change them.
I remember years ago changing the solid pocket teeth, man what a PIA.
When you employee people, I feel the pressure to make sure they make a good living too. No downtime/missed days.

So I take most all of what comes my way if the pay is right.
Yeah I used to think that too, but I have the bad habit of working myself and them to death and then they bitch saying they are only making me rich.
Good guys are hard to find. I pay my guy well because he works hard and never whines. He like myself has a mortgage and a wife, helps in staying highly motivated.
Good guys are hard to find. I pay my guy well because he works hard and never whines. He like myself has a mortgage and a wife, helps in staying highly motivated.

Finding someone who has a wife /kids /mortgage that they want to support is a good motivator in an employee.

For me, its paperwork and stump grinding.

Good thing about employees is that they can make you money by you managing them, rather that doing the actual work. Its been very good timing for me to have the baby reason to thrust Erik in to a managerial role, after training him up well, IMO. He's a good worker. Sometimes, I only have to do the paperwork, and maybe lay out gear (get it out of my pickup, if I commute to the Man in my pickup), and he brings me some money at the end of the day, or magically there's a check in the mailbox from someone I've never heard of. He's making out well, too.
I hate pimping the woods...AKA thinning overgrown bushes, raking sticks out of bushes and long grass and all around making a natural area that is just fine look manicured...at least I'm working, I shouldn't complain.
Ground guys who don't pick up the notch pie cut and throw it thru the chipper,Picky i know but it erks me.

Firewood is the rounds.
Hah, that reminds me of a time when it was 100 degrees and the client sat in the shade and ate one popsicle after another while watching us.
The frigging State Forest Service always taking 6-7 months to get our wood out of the woods so it can be measured and we can finally get paid.
I should be used to it by now, I mean, even my bank is used to it.

I went in last week to ask for a loan so we can buy some machinery and my banking person ( super nice lady!) looked at our account and said, " not a nickel in savings, I guess it is like every year at this time".

It still pisses me off, though.

This winter they have really been on us to get the contract finished, we worked ourself halfway to death to get the wood on the ground.
Then all of a sudden they pulled the forwarders out and sent them to another distict.
So most of the wood is STILL sitting on the ground out in the woods!


Ok, rant over, thanks for letting me get it out of my system.

Apart from that, I love my job, mostly:)