
I'm not talking about longevity, I'm talking about body parts wearing out. That's where I'm coming up short.
Point taken, B :)
I'd have to agree then, about genetics being the biggest factor. Perhaps other, more manageable, factors include: overuse, excessive stress, hyper-extention, under prep (training/stretching), repetitive injury, insufficient recovery/rest.

edit: It's really hard to pick your parents.
I'm guilty. I sit too long at the computer nowadays and need to get out and do some physical work. Terri and I do a lot of hiking on the weekends and during vacations. And that is the only thing keeping us from becoming tubs of fat.

It is a balance of sorts. But certainly we could do better.

When I was working regular I could eat 3 thousand calories a day, drink 12 beers after work, and not gain an ounce of weight. Now I hardly eat near as much and I'm packing it on.

Hence the need for more exercise for the both of us.
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  • #29
Jerry, ever thought about tooling around your area on a bicycle? Quick and easy exercise and it seems like it would make a readily available refreshment from your hours at the computer. Good way to check out scenery and weather conditions and be reminded that there is a world outside. On my commute home from the shop, sometimes I'm tired and think to myself, to ride home. Once on the bike though, i forget that feeling and generally enjoy the thirty minutes or so to get home. Generally feel somewhat refreshed when I make it back. The bicycle has to be about the greatest invention. As I mentioned earlier, a good way to get some stretching in too. You look like a mountain bike man to me, and with street tires on, the ride is smooth. No need for the big knobbys on pavement. :)
If I didn't get (on my off days, which are a lot lately) my fives miles a day in, I'd be big as a house. I just have too large an appetite!
I feel lucky I can just keep in shape by just doind what I do at work, and if things slow down, I have 12 acres that always needs something done. I can go right out back and climb some trees or walk up and down hills.
Thank you for the advise, Jay. I been considering it. Bicycle was my main mode of transportation in my 20's and early 30's. Covered much territory on the coast in the day. Traffic what it is today makes it scary, but there is plenty of off road.

Now whether walking or biking is better I don't know. Certainly cover more ground on the bike though.

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  • #34
It does help if you can be selective about riding times where traffic is minimal, or have close by areas where cars are few. I guess one thing I like about bikes is how they can be incorporated into the tasks of life and do provide a degree of exercise, like running to the market or hardware store, maybe with a detour for a beer. ;) Purposeful transportation that combines recreation with necessity. It takes a bit of perseverance until riding shape isn't an encumbrance, but once you have it, not so much riding is needed to maintain it for casual cycling. Definitely beats walking for getting to your destination quicker, sometimes faster than a car as well. You really don't need a destination, just head out (remember?)....helps keep you young. Simplicity is one reason I like a single speed. I think a 3 speed would be cool too, if they have them. Flat tires, meh.... Especially on thicker tires, not so common to get punks.
In my area there is a stigma associated with riding a bike or taking the bus. I tried bike riding for a while but without the high dollar riding outfits I looked too much like an unemployed bum with no license. And this time of year it's way too hot to do anything outside unless absolutely necessary.
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  • #37
It's sad but true, some people do look down their nose at someone on a bike. I don't give much value to that mentality, however. I agree, all that high priced clothing looks silly to me, purposeful or not. Regular shorts with a no sleeve tee shirt is this gentleman's fashion of choice. Some better drying material is a good idea with a lot of sweat, or ride half naked.