In-tree throwbag/line management


Woods walker
Mar 7, 2005
Western Oregon
Like more than a few climbers, I have found that 50 feet of throwline can be a bear to deploy and stow up in the tree with any semblance of efficiency. Also like more than a few, I've found that one of the auto rewind flyfishing reels is a slick way to deal with the problem.

My question is for those who also have done so, or anyone with a bright idea...I am looking for a better way to carry my reel and bag. I now have a short length of 5mm utility cord cinched around the reel mount, but I don't really care for this too much.



  • fly reel throw bag 003.jpg
    fly reel throw bag 003.jpg
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  • fly reel throw bag 005.jpg
    fly reel throw bag 005.jpg
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How do you like that spiffy Harrison Rocket? :D

I was gifted that by a fellow THouser after I loaned a piece of interesting gear to try out.
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It works, but I was wondering about somehow mating the reel mount straight onto the spine of a carabiner. I dunno...
I use a Pflugger medalist and cut a slot in the base where the reel meets rod and installed a scissors snap so there is no dangle just a compact unit.
You just gave me an idea about a chalk line reel I might be able to utilize. Less the chalk of course :/:
Right now I just use my little stow bag, a clip and weight so it, like with your biner, can be clipped to my belt.
Flaking line back into the little ditty bag sux up in a tree and I often just drop the bag to Rob to give him something to do :lol:
It works, but I was wondering about somehow mating the reel mount straight onto the spine of a carabiner. I dunno...

I would think you could have it brazed or soldered directly to a biner. No clamps, nice and clean.
I tried my 150' throw line in a tree only one time. It was to access in an other tree out of my reach from the ground. Even with care, what a mess !

I don't have seen one my self yet, but is it possible to use a reel from a logger's tape ?
Burnham, after the GTG pigwot came down to Portland to climb. He had the same type of fishing reel setup. It worked pretty well, so I expect to be heading over to the fishing supply store soon. I think he has 75' on his reel.
I think you will need to find those models at garage sales. I'm no expert, but I don't think auto rewind quite caught on in the fly fishing world.
i havent tried it yet, but i like the chalkline idea. a while back i went as far as buying a cheap chalkline reel, and never got around to actually trying it. i have to admit tho that in all my years of climbing i think i can count on one hand the number of times ive used a throwline in the tree. that might be one of those situations tho where once you have it you tend to use it all the time and wonder how you ever went without.
Probably but you would need to figure out some kind of stop for it so you are not fighting the spring during a throw.
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Exactly. Otherwise it would be a nice app.

I'd kinda rather not permanently mod the reel...I was given it by my Father before he died, silly but sentimental...I probably will return it to fishing duty when I retire from active climbing.

Thanks for the suggestions, guys.
I spotted that rocket straight off...I had one, lost it somewhere in a pile of brush...maybe that's why I'm so bad with a throwbag, it's NOT me, its the equipment...:what: