Boy, that Luke, he does whatever it takes to make his custys feel gooooood!
I might go down to Georgia and visit one of those "title loan" places. If you guys get another order from me in the next few days, I either #1 robbed someone #2 got a title loan #3 sold some guns #4 sold some organs. Be on the look out-
I know. I'm trying to explain to my wife how much money we could save if I buy lots! Lol.

I've never met or even conversed with Luke but he's getting me in some hot water!
If these deals keep popping up I will have to get more stuff here.
I try to convince my wife its all in the name of safety! Gear, gear and more gear! Safe safe safe honey. if i spent as much as i wanted to on this stuff my safety would only be jeopardized BY my wife!
HAHAHHA...poor girl. She has to think you are NUTZ!!

The hot water might be worth it, Squishy!!

I've got her on board for about half or maybe a little better of what I want to order! The clock is ticking and I'm a shopping!

Nick when I place my order is there anything special I should do to let Luke know that my order is a direct result of the involvement with The Treehouse? Just put something in the comments?