How's the splice today?

  • Thread starter Wagnaw
  • Start date
  • Replies 1K
  • Views 193K
Do you do that for money Tommy? You should be able to sell it as a service. Get to splice, and get some money for it.
Got a nice piece of 1/2” Tenex Tec from Wesspur’s clearance rope section. Spliced my 1.5” and material handler 2.6” Omniblocks on some ultraslings. About 7’ usable length on the 1.5” and 9’ on the 2.6”.
These things are kinda fun to make :)
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Man....I was waiting for that!!!!

This line alone made me sit up straight (been listening to too much "Cold Cases", murder mysteries)....

" And a soft mallet for beating the throat at final bury. " Hellacious vicious.