How'd it go today?

There ya go. I’m learning stuff every day. I will get around to actually learning how to weld eventually. Hence the reason I haven’t bought a welder yet. I’m not gonna buy one till I know what I’m doing. And thanks for the explanation. Makes sense. The gaps in the pools look to be consistent with where one would need to move positions.
The roll of dimes look, looks cool though
“Richard Boy learned that you can search the browser history on phones and computers.”

Maybe you could get him to show you how to hide your tracks... lol
I always think “would I stand up in court and admit to searching for this?”

“So Mr Dempsey you spent 90 seconds looking at Milfs teaching college teens, what are we supposed to think about that?

Yes I did, and very good it was too, next question.
You know everyone in court is looking at the same stuff you are, or worse.

Only 90 secs?:/:
Jesus Brian. That's a hell of a day. On the philosophical side, you made out fantastically considering how things could have gone. You used up a few months of good luck today. Be careful for awhile ;^)

Hope that job pans out for you stig. It'll be nice knowing what you're doing for the year, and not sweating jobs.

As for me, I spent the day in the office. Got in this morning, and it was raining, but wasn't supposed to last. The power got yanked out from under us, and when the computers came back up, both of the boss' machines were down for the count. His xubuntu machine was fixed with a fsck, but the xp machine won't connect to the file server. Internet works fine, but no file server. I played with it all day, and it still isn't figured out. I'll give it some thought tonight. Calming down and thinking rationally may give me a clue.

Got home today, and this was on top of my mailbox...View attachment 99515

Don't ask me :shrugs:, but I kinda like it. Here's one I found in a parking lot a few months ago...

View attachment 99516

That one's some kinda facebook thing. Says to keep it or rehide on the back. I'm gonna put it in a park whenever I get around to going hiking again. Or maybe I'll start a feral painted rock collection. That's an esoteric hobby :^D
My feral painted rock collection increased by one today. Had another one sitting on my mailbox. Not as nice as the mushroom, but the whole thing's kinda puzzling.


Otherwise, the day kinda sucked. Did some more layout on the stream restoration, and after that, asbuilt some of the completed stuff. The asbuilts are a waste of time and money, and make my life suck. It's boring, tedious work, and provides nothing of value.
Spent the day driving around looking at trees. Monday’s suck. People must spend the weekend just looking at their properties and thinking they want things done. 26 estimates today. Many fruitless I’m sure. Had one person want to remove their neighbors trees because they bother her when she drives that direction. Not a line of sight issue either. I told her to have the neighbor call when they get tired of her bitching. Doubt we will ever work for her. Oh well.
LoL on the neighbor's trees! I wish it worked like that. I'd pay to have someone come in and just clear all my neighbors out. Leave the trees of course. I like the trees :^D