How'd it go today?

High heat, 7 days of storm work, no electricity, and Lyme disease????? Doesn't get much tougher than that:\:
How did we survive this shit one hundred years ago???

Folks don't believe me (or agree with me, usually), but I proved it to myself years ago while in the roofing business, that living in a house with the thermostat set to 65*-70* will kill you when you go out in the heat. I keep mine set on around 75*, and if it's 75* or cooler at night, the air goes off at bedtime and the window fan goes in. Sleeping in a cool house and then going out into 100* heat is a shock to your system. (Carl is NOT a staunch defender of my position on this!):lol:

When I come in out of the heat, get a shower and cool down, I feel quite comfortable in sleeveless shirt/shorts with the thermostat set at around 78*. It's not that I'm hot-natured, either. I can sweat with the best of them.
Agreed. A shower does work wonders, and if a shower isn't an option at the time, wetting the head/torso and letting it air dry is effective too.
Finishing up a new rocking chair. A bud called to come help him on a new thinning contract. I'll know more of the details tomorrow. I just might head up to the woods for a few weeks, it's at a cooler area and I could use a change from the shop.
Pretty much same family as deer, just not as "gamey" a flavor, or so I've heard. My wife/kids wouldn't eat one of ours, so there's no need to try. Ours are dairy goats anyway. Not as meaty as some of the other breeds.
Well we've gone from one extreme to another. Been one of the wettest springs/summer here ever so far and now the heat is hitting. Today will top out around 96-100f. To hot for me, I die in this weather. No end in site they say it'll be early starts and early quitting times next week.

Paul, sorry to hear of your troubles, hope you're doing alright.
Paul ,make sure you read the list of sideeffects that those huge doses of antibiotica can cause.
I had Lymes last fall and all of a sudden got a nasty abdominal tic/spasm. Turned out that 1/50000 got that from the type of penicillin I was eating, and I was the lucky one.
Apart from extreme tiredness that was the only side effect, though.

My neighbour has been bying some woodturnings from a local turner, who is a friend of mine.

I had a bit of " Coals to Newcastle" feeling about that, so I took her up to where my drying stock sits and told her to pick a rough turned bowl, and I would finish it for her.
Normally people get kinda bashful and choose a small thing , but she went for a large elm burl bowl that I rough turned about 15 years ago and never finished.

So I started working on it today. It has a natural crack down one side, so I can't turn the RPMs up without risking having it blow up in my face, so this will take about forever to finish. Fun, though. I don't turn much these days, so it is good to keep in practise:)

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A shop coat, Butch, a shop coat..... Reminds me of my seventh grade wood shop teacher, Mr. Verhoeven, from the old country. Very inspirational, one of the greatest, always there for the boys.
The alternative is getting sawdust and chips all over you.

A good shop coat is tight at the neck to keep the chips from getting inside and cut close enough to your body,that it won't get caught in machinery/ rotating wood.

I have 3 that my mother sewed up for me, but they are all worn to shreds.
I really need to get a new one, but they have a lot of sentimantal value for me.

Jay, did you notice the buildup on the wall behind the lathe?

I've been turning for a while:)
101℉ today :D


What's it gonna be like when it gets hot?
I find that above a certain temperature it affects your brain's thought processes, and not in a good way. It seems more noticeable if you are inside. One summer my shop got up to 111. I found myself walking in circles.
I couple weeks ago when I was trimming palms out at Disney, I had to call the boss man on my way home. I had just quit working 10 minutes earlier and I realized halfway through the conversation that I was babbling and pretty much speaking gibberish. I told him my brain was cooked and I'd call back the next day. Since then I've got the AC fixed in the truck so that helps.

Like Scott, I don't freeze my house. Thermostat stays at 78-79 all summer long. I had it at 78 until about 3 weeks ago and I found myself getting chilled in the evenings so I bumped it to 79. I'm NOT opening the windows due to humidity, dust and bugs. Mosquitoes in the house are a huge pet peeve of mine and I won't tolerate it. The bastards will get through standard window screens.

Jack, love the pup! :lol:
Burnham doesn't do no 111 degrees, no sir. Burnham gets in his A/C cooled car and gets his overheated hiney down to the coast or up on the mountain where the temps are tolerable if it gets in the 3 digit range.
The heat really does affect your brain and thought process in a bad way. When its hot like its been out, and around 1 or 2 in the afternoon, things like my throw ball shots become a lot worse, its like I can't hit the crotch I want to save my life lol.

I'm like Carl, house is normally 70-74 upstairs, but the basement, where I stay, gets down to mid 60's. I can be under a blanket down here when its 95 outside and feel great. One thing I will do though is once the work day starts I keep the windows on the truck rolled down and the AC off. Besides the shock to the system, one can get really sleepy going from the heat to the cool AC and back into the heat. Only time I might turn it on is at the end of the day, on the way home from work.
I have had to turn the vent on my side OFF while riding with Carl. I'll be soaked with sweat, then get into that refrigerated 550 of his and freeze to death! More than once while eating lunch, I've been shivering and was quite ready to get back outside to warm up. Not literally COLD, but uncomfortably cool.
Stig when you're turning do you ever wear a mask? I have had horrible allergic reactions to some of the exotics while turning at my parents place. My mom has a personal air cleaner of sorts. I am thinking of buying the Air trend pro to use while chipping and grinding, it may be hot but I enjoy breathing.