How'd it go today?

Back in the day there was one up in a small maple, I thought hey I'll climb up and see what happens. I started climbing and he started growling and that was plenty to stop me in my tracks.
Well im gonna go see what the situation is tomorrow morning. $100/critter and it might be fun, or funny. Hopefully they will run the camera during the ordeal.
Good luck Nic! I've tangled with coons in the hay loft but gave them their space in a tree.

Cory I'm answering your question from Levi's thread. My Saturday work is going good. Lined up a good ways out and booking more. All my equipment is running like it should. Spent some time this winter making sure of that. My f-550 is lacking a bit and that was a bad call I made. It had two bad injectors and we replaced those two, but should of done them all. Going to suffer through it for a bit till my mechanic friend gets caught up on other work.
It's funny though on Saturdays. I'm so much more relaxed and enjoy it a lot more than the rest of the week. While being more relaxed, I'm also more focused and aggressive. I find it strange
It's funny though on Saturdays. I'm so much more relaxed and enjoy it a lot more than the rest of the week. While being more relaxed, I'm also more focused and aggressive. I find it strange

Sounds like you Zen it on Saturdays! Nice.

Why do you enjoy it more, cuz you are making more money, or cuz you are the head cheese, no one to answer to 'cept for the custy?
100 for a cat is okay, if the cat wants to come out of the tree. 100 for a wild animal that has no intention of cooperating, and has not has vaccinations like a lot of cats, way too little, IMO.
I got a feral cat out of a 100 foot was at 70 feet...when I got up to it he went to end of a 15 ft limb...long story short, it jumped from limb towards another limb. I instinctively reached for it...caught it by the tail between ring and middle finger. Stupid thing to do. It bit me the first time. Grabbed it along spine, too low down, got bit again...this was a two stage bite. I felt the cat sense there was no bone this time and it went from 1/4" test bite to full on "Fook me" bite. I yelled, cat yowled, ladies on the ground screamed...all of us squealing and hollering together. I grabbed (really hit grabbed like you do when you are pissed off at somebody and you grab 'em by the throat...we all know about that...right?) grabbed the cat by back of head/spine and finally subdued it. Bagged it, lowered it down, did the first aid thing, got paid ($250 rescue, $60 travel). Next day paid $50 for tetanus and antibiotics.

I would shoot a coon, would not grab it.

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If you plan making a carreer outta wild animal removal you can get vaccinated against rabies. If you get bit unvaccinated you have 24 hrs to start series.

100% fatal in humans. Except the one girl from Wisconsin who survived. Pretty interesting documentary. Shows the dark side of rabies though..

Also, they make some badass gloves for handing such critters, and I would consider a snare stick to avoid grabbing it.
10-4 on the badass gloves. A good friend of mine works with chimps. He has steered me towards some gloves that protect against bites and crush. Just not sure how much dexterity you can get. With a pair of Atlas 300 gloves on I can get an excellent grip on the cat that I feel confident with once I get the cat skin wrapped deep into my finger curl. The thick bite proof may be a different story.

A snare stick could be interesting..would definitely make for a p'd off cat I am sure.
I got there this morning, got in the tree and got ahold of the big sow and after I got her in the bag the people "rescuing" them said they only take young ones and they hadn't been told the mom was still there. So I let her go again and was given $25 for my time. When asked if they could call for future animal catches I told them no. Kinda outraged about the refusal to pay what was quoted
Thats crap Nic. I would have made stew outta that coon, invite them to dinner, and tell them what they ate afterwards.

I have a big welder that will run the house Butch, just dragging my feet.

It wont run the farm, need about 25 or 27 kw to do that. Want a pto drive generator some day.