How'd it go today?

Chris, Im so sorry to hear of your loss. A while back I lost my father, I was down and looking out over the woods by my house. Earlier that year a huge oak had blown down, I realized that a bunch of saplings were shooting up for the light. Somehow it made me feel better about things. We all have to make room for the ones coming up to thrive....
I value and appreciate the kind words. This is a guaranteed part of every one of our lives. We will lose ones we love, and one day ones that love, will lose us.
Max. No big thing and certainly your post was understood, but normally native English speakers generally don't use the word "installed", for something like a Christmas tree. Installed is more like for something more permanent, like a water heater or a satellite dish, or installed a new muffler on my truck. Often some tools are required for a strong attachment, and sometimes getting angry because it isn't going as planned :D.. "Put up" a Christmas tree, is generally how it gets mentioned. Just saying, and your English is very good.... :)
We got somewhere between 4 and 7 inchs of snow today .The temp dropped below 30 so I lit the fire for the first time this season .This is the lastest I remember before the stove was fired .It's usually mid Nov .
I've been burning in the stove since I can't remember. At least a cord if not more. My wife is cold in July so we burn a lot.
Snowed last night.. Let up a bit by day light so Rob and I went out to prep a site for some pondo felling (beetle kills) and pick up the spitter we rented to the customer. Ended up getting snowed on after hiking all over 15 acres looking at trees she wants done and what done with them. Then I decided to go next door to check on the rest of the beetle kill we will also be doing and he walked us around the place and told me what he wanted accomplished over time. So I did almost nothing today except get cold and wet, and sell some tree work. Probably at least a few thousand worth. Most of it mistletoe, so it's by the hour. Came home and Kat helped get me warmed back up :D Took a rental call on the spitter... Might as well make some moeny on the gear if I can't in a snow storm.. LOL Spaghetti and meat balls for dinner for just the kids and I. Get some rest and spend the next couple days felling some gray pines for a mountain view. There are worse things in life :D
My Russian isn't so hot either. Correcting word usage, I have been on the receiving end of it more times than i like to think about. sometimes my unenthusiastic reaction. Just getting the point across is mostly what matters. Some folks get bothered by being corrected, but since Max does so good already and probably has put a lot of effort into it, I thought he might want to know. No intent to be bothersome.
Yes it's cheap but it certainly is not free .The power bill was 300 last month .2200 sq ft house ,brick .

The reason no fire until today was the temps have maybe gotten to 30 at night then 55-60 day time . It's just too much of a pain in the butt to try and regulate a fire when it's that warm . It's around 25 right now outside .
30 at night then 55-60 in day time is warm?

It only gets that cold here in the middle of winter. It's 72 now and I just had to change into long pants.:coldcold:
It's not warm warm but warm regarding winter .Prior to this warming trend of late it was not uncommon to see weeks on end the temps never got above freezing the last of the month of Dec .Jan. it was not uncommon for 15 below zero but that hasn't happen for some time .Every so often back then it was warmer in parts of Alaska than here in the big corn field .

When the temps stay from freezing to say to zero 10 above it's very easy to control the heat .You can do it up to 50 degrees but it's a nuisance at least for me .
Ice all over everythign this morning including one of the splitters going out on rental :|: Hair dryer fixed some issues and off it went.
Went out to our job we had set up for some felling and got to it. Three grey pines down and two burnt already. Finish it out tomorrow and get back on to their driveway. Booked a few fruit trees with them as well for next month 8)
Ha I had prepaired for the snow .Got my blade on the tractor ,tire chains good to go .Damned thing is nearly as old as me and gave me fits starting it but I perservered and got the drive plowed out .

Well all but a little bit .Don't you know today one of my wifes friends who evidently forgets from year to year what snow is stuck her automobile in the one drift near the house I didn't get plowed out .Took me about 30 seconds to get it out .The lady doesn't know how to drive evidently .I did fire up the old Fergy and finished the job I started the other day before someone else gets stuck .
Bored today, shoulda went to work. :|:

I got a new rear name plate in the mail today for the back of the bucket truck to replace the previous owners name that's currently on there. That about wraps up the excitement I had. Sharpened some saws and made a few chains too.

Jay, Blount has owned Oregon since 1985, Windsor in 2000, and Carlton was bought by Blount in 2008. Not sure what line they are feeding you.

Wally, I interpreted Sam saying that the problems are more recent, but that was mainly an assumption on my part. Whatever the case, I really don't think that Bailey's should be offering chain at their website, if it is out of stock and they have no way of knowing when it will be coming in. I mean he gave a date, but said that it probably wouldn't be reliable. I waited well past the date and it still hadn't come in. He said that enquiries were futile. Hard to picture that way of doing business, but it isn't like there are other chain smanufacturers around to switch to, why I suggested maybe getting something going with a factory in Asia. He said that would bring liability concerns. Where Blount would be on the hook if something happened, some Chinese company might run for it and leave Bailey's holding the bag. Sam was straight about the situation, he would like something better if possible to set it up. I have had good relations with the folks there for like thirty years, I like to cut them slack. Just a bit inconvenienced, I switched my order to what they could send. i appreciate their dealing with me at all, international orders being only one percent of their business. Wonder why the tracking shows the shipment went from California to Kentucky?