Gardening 2012

Now thats why I love asparagus, all you have to do is add chips each fall, the more the better, I have chips:) Kinda same with my awesome blueberry bush... I love low maintenance gardening.....
Over three days planted corn, carrots, and some different types of peas and beans. A good friend says I can share some of his land for my garden, close by, so i have expanded a bit beyond my small plot behind my shop. It's a nice big piece of land with a good view off into the distance. A creek flows along the edge of the property, cool clear water from the still melting snow. He said i can drive his tractor to till up the field too. I tried it, pretty cool just creeping along and looking at the dirt, surroundings, and sky, I like it. Some kind of blessing it seems. :)
Good deal Jay.

I planted corn, peas, spinach, carrots, lettuce and broccoli so far. Last fall I planted garlic and potato onions. I'm pretty new to gardening though.
We have started eating lettuce from the garden this last week. :)
About 5-7 lbs harvested thus far. I just keep making ranch and blue cheese. Made some grilled chicken marinated in balsamic vinaigrette to put on it the other night. YUMMY!:rockhard:
My blue berries, raspberries, apples and plums are setting on, herb barrel is growing like mad too


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We are having a very cold spring, so not much is going on outside the greenhouse yet.
That bodes well for my creek clearing job, nothing much to clear yet, which is fine since we are paid by the kilometer:D

My big polytunnel is almost set up, so all the tomatoes, cukes and chilies can move out of the greenhouse.
It is done.
63 chilies of different varieties, mostly jalapeno and 42 tomatoes have found a new home.
That is beside the stuff we have in the greenhouse.
This will be a fun year for this vegetarian.

I'm already planning next years stuff.
Do any of you have favourite companies where you buy your seeds, online?
Seeds are way expensive here, like anything else, so I'm looking into importing my own.
My beans poked their heads up. The lettuce seems to be still contrary so far. Corn is starting to poke through, a relief because I thought I might have planted too deep. I'm kind of a by the seat of my pants vegetable grower. I just buy my seeds locally at the garden supply places, checking that they are fresh. I know that proper gardeners often pay good attention to their source of seeds. Since here it might mean calling up some company and having to say my name six times over, I don't bother. You would be surprised how many people have never spoken to a foreigner.
It is done.
63 chilies of different varieties, mostly jalapeno and 42 tomatoes have found a new home.
That is beside the stuff we have in the greenhouse.
This will be a fun year for this vegetarian.

I'm already planning next years stuff.
Do any of you have favourite companies where you buy your seeds, online?
Seeds are way expensive here, like anything else, so I'm looking into importing my own.

This company is an artisan style supplier here and its relatively local to me, about a 1/2 hours drive in good traffic. They aren't the cheapest but it may be better than what you pay at home. If its an issue you can get them sent to me and I can forward them on for you if you like.

"At West Coast Seeds we specialize in certified organic, non GMO, open pollinated, and heirloom seeds for organic growing. Over 500 varieties of untreated seeds to choose from."
Not here.
We can import anything except maybe marihuanna seeds.
Thanks Paul, I'll be browsing their online catalogue in a moment:)
Do any of you have favourite companies where you buy your seeds, online?
Seeds are way expensive here, like anything else, so I'm looking into importing my own.

I buy from here: I don't know if they export though. They are just a small company and get way behind on orders sometimes but I've been happy with them.
That link indicated they have margold tomato seeds .Rare to find these days .

I usually just buy Burpees simpley because that's what's available .

My tomato plants I set from seeds were potted just a little too late but they are starting to take off in the garden now .However just like last year the few I planted in one of my wifes flower beds are doing better so I still don't have the soil exactly correct in the raised bed . None the less by August we'll have so many tomatoes we'll be giving them away by the peck sack full .
I do believe it is against the law to grow tobacco around here, the other stuff is technically illegal but seems rarely enforced these days.
Here it is legal for personal use. That is what I do and as a bonus to the learning, I also save quite a bit of money. Around 8-900$US as a matter of fact.
Magnus, I bet tobacco would love aerated compost tea sprayed on it, with the big leaf surfaces. That is some incredible stuff for plants.