Eating lunch

On and off a year, but this time it's serious, and it really is working... No alcohol! My tinnitus had gone over the last few nights! Been back on 6 days now.
I had a bad time yesterday with it. I was tuning a saw after replacing a fuel line (which normally does not bother me) and bam...... the rinnnnnnnnngggggggggg went on and on.
Yeah well...eggs were bad for us last year and now they are good...sugar, salt, coffee, meat, and so many other things they change up on because they don't know...

It is much worse than that. People have not learned much through the years, we still worship and rely on witch doctors and shamans. White coats at the alter of science, in the church of economics. A system capable of pumping out lots of answers that may or may not be true, but hey, it worked in the lab and damn, we can sure make a lot of money if we label this right.
Open your eyes and pay attention to how things work in the natural world and measure that against what you are sold. Understand the difference between hunger and an addictive craving. There actually is enough information available to make smart choices if you are willing.
I think the number of people who eat healthy food and portions is a minority. I wonder if they teach anything in school like they did when I went.

My tinnitus is a constant ringing. I am getting used to ignoring it.
I go with a somewhat Zone-- 40/30/30 diet.

I carry no extra weight. More energy than most people I know, especially at my age.

Two books. Read sorta infomercially, but has nothing to sell, much. Some "energy bars", they tried Zone cafes, don't know if it ever took off.

Enter the zone
The anti-aging zone.
Dave, I agree. Just figured id get off the box before I started ranting. I put doctors right about next to lawyers for being trustworthy.
Tim, its a big subject... could yammer on for hours about it.... Basically its very low carb, medium protein and high fat way of eating. Meat, fish, eggs, butter, bacon, (As clean as you can get), green veggies, heavy cream, etc basically nothing processed... Turns the body from burning glycogen (sugar) to burning ketones (from fat) as fuel. The brain prefers it as a fuel. I have lots of energy, no slumps, when i'm full on keto, fell off the wagon for my birthday but back on for 6 days now. have a read :)

I am shedding body fat (Visibly in 6 days!) and building muscle at the same time. Mind is clear, blood pressure has come down from 150/95 to 117/79 this morning! I dig it.

Loads of science to back it up and plenty of resource on the net to trawl through.

(And no its not Atkins before you think so) :)

Hey, mistahbenn!

Thanks for this great response to my question. Right now I'm working off of a handheld device, and for some reason the web page you gave a link to won't load properly in its browser. I'll read it later today when I get my laptop up and running. Thanks again for the great thumbnail sketch of how your diet works. I'll give this a serious look.

I've never seen a vehicle with a heater that could be programed to turn on by itself.

No surprice, seeing where you live.

It is an external heating device, that burns diesel straight from the tank.
It heats the engine and turns on the truck heater's ventilator.
Programmable for 3 setings, so one can set it to heat the car in the morning, for lunch and for going home.

I can turn mine on with a phone call as well.

Nothing like coming out after going to a restaurant when it is snowing, and all the cars in the parking lot are covered in snow, except mine, which is almost steaming:)
I've always taken a non paid half hour. In landscaping, it was fairly long days. 7-5:30. When I was first on my own I was helping a friend who had just bought out another company about a 1/2 hour from his home base. We would work with the crew until about 5:00, send the crew home and have "supper" and work until dark and get back to the shop about 9:30. Personally, I just need a break from the noise for a little while. A brush chipper is about the worst thing for disrupting your senses. I don't like to eat big meals when working, spreading out smaller snacks seems to keep me steady. Fasting or a heavy meal can mess with my blood sugar, and can take half a day to straighten out. I have a very minor ringing in my ears, more like soft static really, I can only hear it in a very quiet environment, but I fear it getting worse. I try to do everything I can to not expose myself to loud noises. I have a fan set on low in the bedroom for white noise. Over the last year or so I've really developed an increased skepticism of doctors, or at least my primary. She loses no opportunity to try and prescribe a new med. I was having a little sleeping issue last summer and she wanted to put me on all kinds of crap. I looked at the side effects and decided that I could handle not getting a full nights sleep every once in a while over waking up at Dunkin Donuts in my underwear or something worse.