Boulder CO crane work

  • Thread starter Levi
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Here is a vid that my brother made of some work from last year. Not sure if ya'll will like the music but I do;) Enjoy

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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  • #3
yup. that crane op is a wild man. A bit of a cowboy but I've never seen him mess up too bad, got lucky there, knock on wood!
I enjoyed the video. Did notice the no-no. Like you said, got lucky. Jelous of the grapple truck. They have become my latest obsession.
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  • #5
That grapple is awesome, a little big for my taste but hey I bet it's made a million for the owner!
I loved that vid, good editing (almost went a lil too fast), cool music, good tree work. Post more!!

It must be awesome to live in that area with all the mountains. You like the whole 'scene' in Boulder?
I despise Boulder personally. It's a bit of a utopia for many though. I just don't blend in. I lived there for a few months and just spent this Christmas there.
Boulder is what I would consider to be one of the healthiest places I've ever been though. Happy too. Very happy folks there.
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  • #11
I loved that vid, good editing (almost went a lil too fast), cool music, good tree work. Post more!!

It must be awesome to live in that area with all the mountains. You like the whole 'scene' in Boulder?

Thanks Cory, my brother did the work and made the vid, I just posted. I love living in this area, I grew up here and have been around the country but came back to settle down here. I can't stand the Boulder scene. It wasn't always like that but now it's full of self righteous yoga mat prayer bead capitalists, karma cola to the core, phony spiritualists that are richer than god etc etc I could go on for pages! Now I live about twenty minutes away in Longmont (reality) I grew up in the mountains and we always thought of Boulder as a place to make raids on for women and cash. Damn yuppies. Sorry. It is probably the easiest place in the country to make cash swinging a saw if I had to guess! I'm glad that you liked the vid and music!
self righteous yoga mat prayer bead capitalists,

Wow, that is a dichotomy there, interesting, from a distance at least:/: Are the rich folks 2nd home people or do they live there year round and if so, what are they doing to get mega rich?

What is Longmont like?
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  • #14
Wow, that is a dichotomy there, interesting, from a distance at least:/: Are the rich folks 2nd home people or do they live there year round and if so, what are they doing to get mega rich?

What is Longmont like?

Most of the rich people live here year round. I may have exaggerated a bit... the people aren't SUPER wealthy, mostly nouveau riche computer people.

Longmont is pretty cool in my opinion, mostly working class folks, a handful of breweries and some good restaurants. Bigger trees than most of the area and some nice parks here and there.
Woulda been nice, I was in Boulder late last spring, had time for a quick hike on a run of the mill trail (that one that leaves from the weather-study Fed building), it was supremely awesome. I was kinda surprised at the large amount of vehicle traffic in Boulder.
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  • #18
I know the trail, very beautiful area! Lots of cars in town these days, I guess that's how it goes:(
A kid I grew up with, Bud, died in or near Boulder. He was still very young. Drugs, some said suicide, but his father said no. I get the imperession that there was a bad scene in the area then, drugs.... I look at his grave on the web sometimes, it looks a lonely place. Probably nobody visits.
My feelings on Boulder have been summed up well already. It's composed of new money ultra Eco trendy people, or bizarre ass hippies. Not your run of the mill leftovers from the 60s. 30 something's that were led by their guiding spirit to live under a tree and eat from a dumpster, and massage feet in the street for LSD money.
I worked on a horse ranch on St Vrain Rd about 10 miles outside of boulder, heading west I believe.
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  • #22
I worked on a horse ranch on St Vrain Rd about 10 miles outside of boulder, heading west I believe.

There are some very nice horse properties on that road. That is also a great area to do tree work because those folks have a bit more respect for working class.
This ranch was owned as a play ranch for polo ponies. My uncle owned it as a play spot a short distance from him castle in Boulder. There's a company HQ'd in Broomfield called Level 3. You ever heard of it?
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  • #25
Finding level 3 communications in Broomfield. That the one?