Abdominal Exercises


Tree House enthusiast
Aug 23, 2008
Do y'all know some good ab workouts that really get the abs more than the upper leg/hip area? Sit ups and crunches seem to exhaust those areas faster than they do the abdominals.

Preferably these workouts would'nt need gym machines cuz I don't go to a gym.
Some time ago I made a device. Imagine a chair with arms. Take the seat out, and bolt the back and arms to a wall. Position it so when you are 'sitting' in the chair (your forearms on the arms of the chair) your legs are off the ground. Now lift your thighs until your knees are about up to your navel height. Repeat. Great for working the lower stomach muscles and if you twist back and forth, good for the side muscles of your stomach as well.
I also put upright hand grips on the ends of the chair arms.
These leg lifts are commerically available, but I made my own.
Sorry no pix as I tore it down some time ago. Got in the way in my shop during a money making project and never put it back up.
I've had great success with hanging leg raises, and I've recently bought an ab roller. Pulled a groin muscle overusing it, though, so I'll back off a bit when I start back.

However, for most people, the best ab exercise is what you do at the dinner table. ;)

Frans, those are called seated leg raises. You're just using a chair to hold your elbows. I use two big ropes.
Sometimes I use trees..I'll try to show some with rope later.


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Dang Butch! You're a freakin' machine. I'm impressed, and you've inspired me to step it up a notch or two. Thanks mang. :thumbup:
When I say 300, and 9 minutes, I mean three sets of 100 and a set takes about 3 minutes.
One set in the morning and two in the evening.
I still have to have my knees bent.

But I'm up to 300 a day, done in about 9 minutes.

That is serious working out for the abs...excellent fo sho.

I'll have folks start by just sitting on the floor with the legs extended. Pick up one leg, then the other...eventually try to get both heels off the ground, then hold them off...finally, get them to do a V sit...toes pointed up above the head.
Gary, you shouldn't post pictures like that. You have just destroyed any motivation I had.
Awesome display of strength and agility :)
I appreciate the compliment but real gymnasts are awesome...I can just do some of it. It's all about proper progression.
Speaking of (for those who missed it) strength, check out this guy.

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Yeah, that dude is FIT! Made it look like there was less gravity working on him. It was all pretty amazing, but those pullups popped up into dips were pretty radical.

Nice link.
so how about losing the love handles then? whats the best excercise for those?

a friend of mine has some and he asked me to ask if anyone on here knew any excercises ;)
The serratus/intercostal tie in is fast becoming my new favorite muscle group.

On the last 20 of the 100 reps, I'll twist as best as I can, and I'll be always trying to increase those reps. My goal is to be able to do all 100 twisting! :rockon:
ok heres a rookie question. excercising helps burn fat.........so if for instance im doing shoulder presses will it just burn fat in that area or will it take burn from anywhere on the body?
You can't spot reduce fat - it's an all over thing.

Shoulder presses don't burn any fat unless you turn it into an aerobic activity like 100 reps (probably more than that) with a 10lb weight.
I agree with Butch...cardio/aerobics is what burns fat best. A lot of folks that spend an hour at the gym do most of that on weight machines...they probably would do better with 45 min. cardio and 15 min. weights. They would lose the fat better...as the fat decreased they could increase the weight/strength workout.
excercising helps burn fat.........so if for instance im doing shoulder presses will it just burn fat in that area or will it take burn from anywhere on the body?

Oh, if that were only true...........sigh.